Noel Kreiss

A young man wielding two unique blades who appears before Serah. Although straightforward and cheerful, no one knows much about his past, or how he stumbled across Serah in her time of distress.
Serah Farron

Better known as Lightning's younger sister, Serah suffered a tumultuous fate in FFXIII. Hearing of Lightning's survival, she and Noel head out on a journey to find her. At first glance, people see a timid, fragile girl, but she is friendly, outgoing, and much stronger than she looks.

A mysterious little creature, he makes himself useful by transforming into a weapon for Serah. No one knows much about this strange animal who calls himself her guardian. Although shy at first, once he opens up, he is quite the chatterbox, teaching Serah and Noel all about the world and its history.

Lightning currently serves as the protector of the Goddess Etro, who resides in the land of chaos, Valhalla. Infused with the goddess's power, she gains incredible strength as she engages in her own battle. She soon encounters Noel, and asks him and Serah for their help. Although harsh on herself and others, Lightning is filled with determination and stands by her beliefs.
Snow Villiers

Serah's fiancé once fought alongside Lightning to save Serah in FINAL FANTASY XIII. As the battle ends, Lightning is nowhere to be found. Snow is the only one who believes Serah when she says her sister is still alive out there. He decides to go on a journey to find Lightning, but not before he gives Serah his necklace. He's an easy-going optimist who gets along with everyone. Although he's known to be reckless at times, he has the strength to work through whatever comes his way.
Hope Estheim

Director of Academy Research, Team Alpha. A tireless work ethic and extraordinary ability have propelled Hope through the ranks of the Academy. Despite his youth, he has become the de facto leader of the research institute. Hope is articulate, considerate, and admired by his peers. He has matured considerably in the ten years since he fought alongside Lightning and the other l'Cie. He is researching "spacetime anomalies" that were discovered at the site of ancient ruins. Sorrowful events in his past once threatened to destroy him, but now they are the fuel that drives him to build a better future.
Cauis Ballad

A mysterious man with an ominous presence, Caius clashes with Lightning, and later Noel and Serah. Caius makes for an intimidating sight as he bears down upon his enemies, brandishing his massive blade with ease. His icy exterior makes it impossible for others to read him, let alone approach him.

This young girl bears the same name as the ancient seeress responsible for prophesying the War of Transgression. She travels with Caius, but her reasons for doing so are unknown. Yeul speaks little, and her expression rarely gives any hint of her emotions.