Squall Leonhart

A cadet in SeeD, the special combat unit of the Balamb Garden Military Ac ademy. His aloof and anti-social behavior makes him appear selfish and lacking a sense of team unity. Squall dislikes having others involved in his affairs, and is best described as a lone wolf.
The taciturn and reluctant hero
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Weapon of Choice: Gunblade
Laguna Loire

An ex-solider turned journalist. Laguna is a strong willed man, with amazing energy. His compassion for the unfortunate drives him to help the weak and bring down their oppressors. Using his writing as a mighty instrument of justice, he stands strong against the evils of the world.
A passionate man whose pen is truly mightier than the sword
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Weapon of Choice: Machine Gun
Seifer Almasy

A candidate for SeeD. Although Seifer is a naturally gifted soldier, his inability to take orders and control his temper has earned him the label of "problematic". Although recognizing and praising Squall's abilities, Seifer regards him as his ultimate rival.
Squall's rival who causes havoc within Garden
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Weapon of Choice: Gunblade
Rinoa Heartilly

A lively individual with the ability to touch people's hearts. Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation. Driven by her ambitions she can be difficult at times.
a beautiful, spirited young woman
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Weapon of Choice: Blaster Edge
Quistis Trepe

A SeeD cadet at the age of 15, Quistis now instructs Squall and his companions at Balamb Garden. Contrary to her cool exterior, she occasionally has a difficult time coping with frustration, and as a result can become depressed over trivial matters.
A top-notch member of SeeD who serves as Squall's instructor
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Weapon of Choice: Chain Whip
Selphie Tilmitt

Selphie seems out of place in a military academy because of her innocent appearance and light-hearted personality. Her happy-go-lucky disposition and laid-back attitutde tend to catch others off guard.
A spunky young woman with a carefree spirit
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Weapon of Choice: Nunchucks
Zell Dincht

Aspiring to become like his grandfather who was once a solider, Zell entered Garden at the age of 13. Not being one to think matters through, he is known to act on impulse rather than reasoning. At heart however, he is an honest, dedicated young man.
A Garden Cadet with unsurpassed martial arts skills
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Weapon of Choice: Gloves
Irvine Kinneas

Irvine is known as the "Best Shooter in Garden". His reputation for cherishing the company of women is almost as well known as his accuracy with a gun. Although he seems to be uncaring and frivolous at first glance, in reality he is sensitive and serious.
An expert gunman and consummate lady's man
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Weapon of Choice: Gun