
There are 16 Summon Materia in Final Fantasy VII, 17 including Master Summon. They provide the ability to invoke the aid of powerful guardians/beats. Essentially very high-level spells, they cost a lot of MP and have longer animation sequences than standard magics.

Each Summon may only be used finitely many times in one battle. They can be summoned once at the first level, up to five times at the fifth. Master Summon allows you to invoke any of the 16 Summons as many times as you wish.

Some Summons have associated elements or status ailments, meaning that they can be linked with Elemental or Added Effect Materia.


The high MP cost buys a powerful attack, but the real strength lies in his strong elemental attack, Holy. Nothing is strong against it, and many have a weakness to it.

Abilities: Judgement
Elemental: Holy
Cost: 120 MP
Location: The Great Glacier
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
M.Def +1
MaxHP -5%
MaxMP +5%


Bahamut's mega flare makes this dragon one of the most powerful summons you can obtain, except for his later upgrade, Bahamut ZERO.

Abilities: Mega Flare
Elemental: Non Elemental
Cost: 100 MP
Location: The Temple of the Ancients
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
M.Def +1
MaxHP -5%
MaxMP +5%

Bahamut ZERO

This is the strongest of the Bahamuts. His attack is extremely powerful... although it is non-elemental, it is does a huge amount of damage.

Abilities: Tera Flare
Elemental: Non Elemental
Cost: 180 MP
Location: Cosmo Canyon
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +4
M.Def +4
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +15%

Choco / Mog

This is your first summon that you can recieve. It is very weak, but cute. It attacks all the opponents and sometimes casts STOP.

Abilities: Deathblow
Elemental: Wind
Cost: 14 MP
Location: Chocobo Ranch
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
MaxHP -2%
MaxMP +2%


Found in the deep depths of the ocean, Hades can really 'mess' things up. His added effects in each summon almost always guarantee a successful hit.

Abilities: Black Cauldron
Elemental: None
Cost: 150 MP
Location: Underwater on the Plane
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +4
M.Def +4
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +15%


Ifrit is amont the first summons you will get. His strong fire and physical attacks are powerful and damages all enemies.

Abilities: Hellfire
Elemental: Fire
Cost: 34 MP
Location: The Cargo Ship
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
MaxHP -2%
MaxMP +2%

Knights of the Round Table

This is probably the MOST powerful summon you can recieve. It should be, because it is very hard to get. It involves intense chocobo breeding and getting a Gold Chocobo.

Abilities: Ultimate End
Elemental: None
Cost: 250 MP
Location: Hidden Island (top right of Map)
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +8
M.Def +8
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +20%


Found in the sleeping forest, this summon has a strong lightning elemental attack.

Abilities: Tetra Disaster
Elemental: Lightning
Cost: 155 MP
Location: Sleeping Forest
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
M.Def +1
MaxHP -5%
MaxMP +5%


This summon is a reward if Yuffie passes the trials in the tower of Wutai. You must defeat Godo on the top floor for this powerful water elemental summon.

Abilities: Tidal Wave
Elemental: Water
Cost: 120 MP
Location: Wutai
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
M.Def +1
MaxHP -5%
MaxMP +5%

NEO Bahamut

This is probably the 2nd strongest form of Bahamut you will recieve as a summon.

Abilities: Giga Flare
Elemental: None
Cost: 160 MP
Location: Whirl Wind Maze
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +2
M.Def +2
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10%


His steel bladed sword attack is a very strong physical move. His added effect of Death is a great way to kill your enemies quickly.

Abilities: Steel Bladed Sword
Elemental: None
Cost: N/A
Location: Shinra Mansion
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
M.Def +1
MaxHP -5%
MaxMP +5%


This summon is more of a healing one in addition to the Phoenix Flame. It is awarded to you if you help Fort Condor from their attack.

Abilities: Phoenix Flame
Elemental: None
Cost: N/A
Location: Shinra Mansion
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +2
M.Def +2
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +10%


Ramuh is one of the first summons you will get. He isn't that strong, but always reliable and a quick source of medium to high damage to all enemies.

Abilities: Judgement Bolt
Elemental: Lightning
Cost: 28 MP
Location: Chocobo Square in the Gold Saucer
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
MaxHP -2%
MaxMP +2%


Shiva has been seen in many of the previous games. In VII, her strong ice attack can do good damage to all the enemies.

Abilities: Diamond Dust
Elemental: Ice
Cost: 30 MP
Location: Junon
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
MaxHP -2%
MaxMP +2%


Titan has a strong phyiscal attack by shaking the earth with quake.

Abilities: Anger of the Land
Elemental: None
Cost: 45 MP
Location: Gongaga's ruined reactor
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +1
MaxHP -2%
MaxMP +2%


Tyhpon has a strong wind attack that damages all enemies. He is found in the Ancient Forest.

Abilities: Disintegration
Elemental: Wind
Cost: 120 MP
Location: Ancient Forest
Effects when Equipped:
Magic +4
M. Def +4
MaxHP -10%
MaxMP +15%