
Bonus Points

Whenever you beat a dungeon, you will get to see your bonus points, and what objective you were meant to fulfill. The more you fulfill an objective, the more points you get. Here are the objectives:

Pick up items:
Whenever you defeat enemies or open treasure chests, items will appear them. Pick up as many items you can find to gain more points. You cannot gain points if you pick up an item dropped by a friend.

Pick up money:
This is by the same logic as pick up items. Whenever you find gold coins on the ground, pick them up, they are gil. The more coins you pick up, the more points you get. However, not points are awarded if you pick up money dropped by your friends.

Defeat Enemies with Focus Attacks:
The more enemies you defeat with Focus Attacks, the more points you are getting. Note that it is the final hit that really counts. Therefore, use a scouter to keep track of the enemies' HP, and when it is almost zero, make your strike.

Defeat Enemies with Spells:
The more enemies you defeat with spells, no matter whether they are fused, the more points you are getting. Note that it is the final hit that really counts. Therefore, use a scouter to keep track of the enemies' HP, and when it is almost zero, make your strike.

Defeat Enemies with Spell Fusion:
The more enemies you defeat with fused spells like Fira or Blizzara, the more points you are getting. Note that it is the final hit that really counts. Therefore, use a scouter to keep track of the enemies' HP, and when it is almost zero, make your strike. This is not very hard, as many fused spells do area damage on a couple of enemies at once.

Open Treasure Chests:
The more treasure chests you open in a level, the more points you get.

Inflict Damage:
The more times you score hits on enemies, the more points you receive. Note that they are counting the hits, not counting the kills. Therefore, the more enemies in the level and the weaker the weapon you equip, the easier it is to score points.

Take Physical Damage:
The more times you get hit with physical attacks like swords, the more points you receive. This is easy if you have a magicite of cure in hand.

Take Magical Damage:
The more times you get hit with spells, the more points you receive. This is easy if there are mages in the level, and you have a magicite of cure in hand.


There are many ways in Final Fantasy: CC to move from place to place. The world map aspect is not like the conventional FF game, which to many, is disappointing. More information follows:

The World Map:
There is no hub world in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. You will have to move your caravan icon around the world map. To enter an area, press A there. Dungeons are indicated by the icon of a myrrh tree in their icon. If the myrrh tree is green, then myrrh is available there. If it has wilted, then it means that you cannot collect myrrh from there for the time being. You may encounter special events in all the junctions, so be aware.

Transferring Characters:
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is like Pokemon in this respect. You can transfer a character from another Memory Card to the one you are having now. Just select Bring a Friend on the menu, and then select Transfer Character. You can then select the character from the other Memory Card you would like to transfer into yours. Transferred Characters can never ever receive letters. You can also delete characters using the Bring a Friend Feature. Just select Delete Character and select the character you would like to remove. (Good for people who are not satisfied with the character he/she has newly created.)

Miasma Streams:
Miasma Streams link different parts of the world together. Each miasma stream has its own element. They can be Fire (Red), Water (Blue), Earth (Yellow) or Wind (Green). To get past a miasma stream, you must have your crystal chalice have the same element of the stream. Otherwise, the miasma stream will repel you back, preventing you from passing. The elements of the miasma streams change every year, so pay attention to the world map at the beginning of each year, or ask the wife of the village elder, and she will show you the distribution.

Mog the Moogle:
If you play a single player game, you will get a moogle called Mog to carry the Crystal Chalice around for you. You can also find moogle houses hidden in towns or dungeons everywhere. Inside, you will get to have your card stamped by the resident moogle there. If you have a set of matching stamps, then you get to play the blazing caravans minigame on your Gameboy Advance. On the other hand, you can paint Mog's fur inside the Moogle house. Paint him red for an enemy radar on the GBA, paint him green for a scouter, and blue for a treasure radar. You can also trim his fur, making him cooler in hot dungeons like Lynari Desert.