


Benjamin is the main protagonist in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. He is just a normal kid who wakes up every morning to tend to the herd for his parents. He can use a variety of weapons and spells.

The true knight foretold by the ancient prophecy
Sex: Male
Weapons of Choice: Swords, Axes, Claws



A spirited young girl living in the forest village of Foresta. She is poisoned after an encounter with a minotaur zombie, but recovers to help Benjamin later in the game.

Shares a deep connection with nature
Sex: Female
Weapons of Choice: Axes



Ninja treasure hunter of the group, he loves calling Benjamin "Kid". The only character to have his own theme music. Uses Shuriken in battle.

Will never miss a treasure hunt
Sex: Male
Weapons of Choice: Shuriken



Healer that lives in Aquaria. Helps Benjamin out on several occasions, including the final dungeon. Uses a cat claw until she gives it to Benjamin, after which she uses the Bow of Grace.

A skilled adventurer
Sex: Female
Weapons of Choice: Bow and Arrows, Claws



Armored youth living in Fireburg. Joins Benjamin to rescue his explorer father Arion and to acquire the Fire Crystal. Uses a hefty Morning Star.

Devoted to his Father and hometown
Sex: Male
Weapons of Choice: Morning Start