Terra Branford

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: Magic Warrior
Terra represents the re-birth of magic. She has abilities the likes of which on one in the world has seen before. The evil army has tried to harness her magic powers, but the magic of the Espers will see to it that she will escape from the army's control.
Special Skill: Morph
When Terra learns more about herself and her origins, she will gain the ability to morph into a blazing, spirit-like creature. She'll have twice as much strength in her morph state as she has in her normal form. Terra begins the adventurer as a normal creature with moderate magic powers, but when she learns to Morph, Terra will have twice her previous strength.
Locke Cole

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Class: Treasure Hunter
The great treasure hunter, Locke, doesn't mind breaking a few locks in his search for fortune and fame. Nevertheless, he'd rather be called a hero than a their. Locke's strong will and cunning make him a good ally.
Special Skill: Locke can actually take possessions from attacking enemies in the middle of a fight. His Steal skill will come in handy more than once as he lifts valuable items and, sometimes, the clothes from the backs of unsuspecting enemies. With the Steal Command, Locke can remove items from enemies. The Theif's Glove Relic gives Locke the power-packed capture command.

Age: 14
Gender: Male
Class: Moogle
Don't let his cute looks deceive you. The teddy bear-like Mog can fight with a vengeance, especially when he has learned his powerful, magical dances. Mog is generally a peaceful creature, but he can make a big commotion on the dance floor.
Special Skill: Dance
Mog can learn a series of dances for each of the eight types of terrain in the world. After he gets one good hit in a fight, he'll learn the dances of the region. Then he'll go into hoofing high gear. Before he can Dance, Mog has to fight and learn the steps. Mog's Dances will send his audience to the floor.
Learn more...
Edgar Figaro

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Class: Mechanic
The King of Figaro castle is very handy with machinery and tools, making him a very valuable part of the team. He also fancies himself to be a ladies' man, but moves in that direction often result in failure.
Special Skills: Tools
Edgar's mastery of machinery turns out to be a very useful skill. He can use all eight Tools that are available throughout the adventure. Many of them can defeat an entire party of attacking enemies at once. The Tools command puts powerful machinery in Edgar's hands. Most of the Tools hit enemies with a very strong blast
Sabin Figaro

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Class: Black Belt
Sabin is the brother of King Edgar. After a falling-out with his family, Sabin left for the mountains and learned the martial arts. Sabin's Blitz techniques and strong conviction make him a good member of the team.
Special Skills: Blitz
The Blitz techniques that Sabin learns over the course of the adventure each call for a different button-pressing combination. You can see those combinations using the Skills Menu from the subscreen. A correctly executed Blitz will unleash a powerful attack.
Cyan Garamonde

Age: 50
Gender: Male
Class: Noble Knight
Cyan is a soldier and swordsman of Doma Castle. An enemy attack on the castle has convinced him to join the resistance against the evil army. His sword technique will prove to be very useful.
Special Skills: SwdTech
The master of the sword can lash out at enemies with a series of brilliant strikes. There are eight different techniques in all. The advanced techniques require more preparation time than the others. Cyan must built up a certain amount of power for each technique. When Cyan slashes, his enemies take notice.

Age: 13
Gender: Male
Class: Wild Child
The wild boy of the Veldt left home when he was very young. He now lives and communicates with the animals. If you can manage to get Gau to join your party, you'll be able to use his abilities to learn the powers of the Veldt animals.
Special Skills: Leap / Rage
When Gau is fighting with your party in the Veldt, he can Leap onto one of the attacking creatures and ride away with it. Gau will reappear in another Veldt encounter with knowledge of the monster's fighting techniques. Use Leap to make Gau learn the techniques of the monsters. Use Rage to carry out Gau's learned techniques.

Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Class: Ninja
The mysterious ninja, Shadow, is a loner. His only friend is his dog, Interceptor. When Shadow joins the party, he brings with him the ability to throw objects with accuracy.
Special Skills: Throw
Shadow's throwing skills allow him to hit enemies with no danger to himself. Some village shops sell Weapons that the ninja can aim at enemy attackers. They have varying strengths and properties. Shadow can throw a variety of items designed with that purpose in mind. A direct hit can make a big impression on enemy attackers.
Celes Chere

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: Rune Knight
At one time, Celes was a General of the evil army. She has since been disillusioned by the army and has decided to join the resistance. She has command over Runic Blade which absorbs enemy spells.
Special Skills: Runic
Celes has the power of Runic which, when cast, makes all enemy spells target her. She can absorb the spells without causing much damage to her or the other members of the party. Use Runic to thwart enemy magic. Spells will target Celes and fizzle out, giving her MPs.
Setzer Gabbiani

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Class: Gambler
The rich owner of the only Airship in the world likes to fly and he likes to gamble, too. When Setzer joins your party, you'll be able to use his Airship to travel to remotes parts of the world. You'll also
gain a worthy fighting partner.
Special Skills: Slot
Setzer's Slot attack is a bit of a gamble. When he uses it, the wheels of a slot machine appear and start spinning. The results of the spin determine the nature of the attack. If you're lucky, the attack will result in a big win.
Strago Magus

Age: 70
Gender: Male
Class: Ancient Lore Master
The old man, Strago, is both a passive and powerful Blue Mage. He has the ability to learn the spells of some enemy attackers, but he must feel the effect of those spells before he can use them.
Special Skill: Lore
The special skill that Strago brings to your party is Lore. When enemies aim their spells at Strago and he is hit, the bounces back with knowledge of the spells after the battle has been won. The Lore command brings up a list of learned spells. Strago can use spells that he has experienced first hand.
Relm Arrowny

Age: 10
Gender: Female
Class: Artist
The granddaughter of Strago. Relm is a great artist and a friend to Shadow's dog. She can sketch enemies and attack with their powers through her drawings.
Special Skills: Sketch
Relm's sketch skill centers around her artistic abilities. When she sketches, she learns that enemy's methods of attack. She can also control enemies while wearing the Fake Mustache relic. Relm is a living reminder of the power of art!

Age: 4
Gender: Male
Class: Yeti
Hidden within the caves of Narshe roams a wild Yeti of fable. Although he can't use magic, Umaro is the fiercest physical fighter in the game. He can't be equipped with armor or wepaons, save his weapon of choice, the Bone Club.
Special Skills: Beserk, Hurl, Snowstorm
If Umaro is equipped with the Rage Ring, he will randomly throw a party member at a enemy for increased damage. If Umaro is equipped with the Blizzard Orb, he will randomly attack all enemies with an ice-elemental magic attack.

Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Class: Mimic
'It' has remained hidden for centuries, waiting for the chance to emerge. Gogo, an ellusive mimic, resides in a strange place on Triangle Island, but you'll have to search in an unusual fashion to find him.
Special Skills: Mimic
Gogo mimics the move last used by a party member before mimic is used. If the move was an item, Gogo will use the item on the same target without losing the item from the inventory. If it is a spell or a summon, Gogo will cast that spell or summon for no MP cost.