
Crystal Defenders (originally titled as Crystal Guardians) is a series of turn-based strategy games released initially on Mobile Phones in Japan using the i-mode network. The game eventually was released through a large amount of video game delivery networks including Xbox Live, Android, Apple iOS, etc.

The game lives in the world of Ivalice and thus is part of the Ivalice Series. It played mainly like the popular tower defense games popular on mobile devices at the time but also features jobs, classes, monsters and summoned creatures.

Crystal Defenders: Vanguard Storm, the sequel to Crystal Defenders, was released on May 13, 2009 worldwide for Apple iOS. The sequel featured a few improvements in overall gameplay and was received better by critics.

Several of the units used in game were units from Final Fantasy Tactics A2 for the Nintendo DS.

This game is part of the Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift series (also known as the Ivalice Alliance), which includes the following titles:

All Releases

Title Platform Release Date (JP) Release Date (US)
Crystal Guardians Mobile Phone (i-mode) 2008-01-01
Crystal Guardians Mobile Phone (Yahoo! Keitai) 2008-04-01
Crystal Guardians Mobile Phone (EZWeb) 2008-06-19
Crystal Defenders Apple iOS 2008-12-23 2008-12-23
Crystal Defenders WiiWare 2009-01-27 2009-04-20
Crystal Defenders Xbox Live Arcade 2009-03-11 2009-03-11
Crystal Defenders: Vanguard Storm Apple iOS 2009-05-13 2009-05-13
Crystal Defenders PlayStation Network 2009-08-06 2009-08-06
Crystal Defenders Windows Phone 2010-12-08 2010-12-08
Crystal Defenders Android 2011-01-25 2011-01-25
