
Laid back and unflappable, Clavats are masters of the sword.
Starting Equipment
Weapon: Bronze Sword
Helmet Traveler's Hair Clip
Armor: Travel Cloths
Accessory: Guard Ring

Yukes tend to be peace-loving scientists and scholars. They are adept at magic.
Starting Equipment
Weapon: Wooden Staff
Helmet Traveler's Hair Clip
Armor: Travel Cloths
Accessory: Magic Ring

Agile and light on their feet, Selkies are experts at leaping and jumping.
Starting Equipment
Weapon: Aura Shooter
Helmet Traveler's Hair Clip
Armor: Travel Cloths
Accessory: Mind Ring

Generally shorter in stature than the other tribes, Lilties favor hammers and spears in battle.
Starting Equipment
Weapon: Bronze Lance
Helmet Traveler's Hair Clip
Armor: Travel Cloths
Accessory: Power Ring