
A mercenary once hired by the anti-Shinra group "Avalanche." Cloud became entangled with a much greater battle for the life of the planet itself. he fought for the world, and at the end of a bitter struggle saved the planet. While various versions of his past were intertwined in his memories, Cloud managed to regain an understanding of who he truly is during his journey in Final Fantasy VII. Despite this, he now forsakes human contact and prefres living alone.

A legendary swordsman of SOLDIER (Shinra's elite guard) who was once revered as a hero. However, when Sephiroth learned he owed his existence to Shinra experimentation, he developed a fierce hatred for the human race. That hatred soon became a genuine threat to the planet itself. And though Sephiroth lost htat great battle, even now his shadow lingers in Cloud's path.

Leader of the three brothers that are after Cloud. Prone to the purest of madness, calm yet savage, childish yet wise, Kadaj's mindset rocks from one extreme to the other. He primarily uses a double-edged sword known as "Souba" (Twin Blade).

Cloud's childhood friend, and the only person who truly remembers his past. A master of martial arts, Tifa was also a key player in Avalance operations two years ago. Currently she works at Seventh Heaven while caring for Marlene and Midgar's orphans.

One of the many child victims of geostigma. Tifa looks after Denzel, and he and Marlene are close. yet from time to time his expression seems vacant.

Barret's adopted daughter, Marlene was raised by Barret in Final Fantasy VII, but she now lives apart from him, under Tifa's care. She is deeply concerned for Denzel, who is afflicted with geostigma.