Expansions and Patches
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn has had several patches and one expansion since its release. Most of the patches add quick content, fixes bugs and adds small features, while expansions add much more.
- A Realm Awoken - Patch 2.1 released on Dec. 16, 2013. Major features of this patch include the addition of Free Company housing, the Wolves' Den PvP arena, and the Labyrinth of the Ancients, the first section of the Crystal Tower 24-man raid.
- Through the Maelstrom - Patch 2.2 released on Mar. 27, 2014. This patch opens the Second Coil of Bahamut raid and new features include gardening, the ability to project glamours onto gear, and the Saga of the Zodiac Weapons, a questline to empower the relic weapons.
- Defenders of Eorzea - Patch 2.3 released on Jul. 8, 2014. The main features of this patch are Frontlines, a large scale PvP battlefield with up to 72 players which revolves around defending control points; the Hunt, a server-wide search for Elite Marks—powerful notorious monsters hidden in the open world that yield currency and upgrade materials when defeated; The Second Coil of Bahamut(Savage) and Syrcus Tower, the next step of the Crystal Tower raid.
- Dreams of Ice - Patch 2.4 released on Oct. 28, 2014. This patch opens the Final Coil of Bahamut raid where they confront Bahamut himself. The other primary feature of this patch is the debut of the Rogue class and Ninja job with accompanying quests.
- Before the Fall - Patch 2.5 released on Jan. 20, 2015. Released in two parts, "Before the Fall" concludes the A Realm Reborn storyline and starts moving into the Heavensward storyline. The first part features the Odin primal battle and the final Crystal Tower raid, the World of Darkness. Frontlines features a new mode called Slaughter whose objective is defeating other players. A patch between the two parts introduced the Manderville Gold Saucer, a theme park area devoted to the card game Triple Triad, Chocobo racing, and other minigames. The second part primarily consists of quests that conclude the story.
- As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness - Patch 3.1 released on Nov. 10, 2015. First patch for the Heavensward expansion. Introduces a new 24-Player raid, The Void Ark. Airship Expeditions also become available for Free Companies with an airship. A new addition is made to the Manderville Gold Saucer, the mini-game Lords of Verminion; players make use of in-game collectable minions in real-time strategy-style matches.
- The Gears of Change - Patch 3.2 released on Feb. 23, 2016. This patch opens up the second section of Alexander, Alexander: Midas is introduced along with two new instances and a new trial, Sephirot, one of the primals of the Warring Triad.
- Revenge of the Horde - Patch 3.3 released on Jun. 7, 2016. Third patch for the Heavensward expansion which concludes the Dragonsong War story. Includes a new 24-Player raid, a continuation of The Void Ark called The Weeping City of Mhach as well as the Aquapolis, a dungeon whose entrance has a random chance to appear during a treasure map hunt and the Palace of the Dead, a multi-level dungeon with a progression system separate from the rest of the game in which players start at level 1 and power up with items found within the dungeon.
- Soul Surrender - Patch 3.4 released on Sep. 28, 2016. Fourth patch for the Heavensward expansion. Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, new side quests, Grand Company updates, housing additions and so much more.
- The Legend Returns - Patch 4.1 released on Oct. 10, 2017. 1st patch for the Stormblood expansion. Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, new side quests, Return to Ivalice 24-man Alliance Raid.
- Rise of a New Sun - Patch 4.2 released on Jan. 30, 2018. 2nd patch for the Stormblood expanion. Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, new side quests, Omega: Sigmascape 8-man raid, 2 new dungeons (Hell's Lid and The Fractal Continuum (Hard)), addition of Eureka Anemos.
- Under the Moonlight - Patch 4.3 released on May 22, 2018. 3rd Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, new section of the Return to Ivalice 24-man Alliance raid, new trial (Castrum Fluminis), new dungeon (The Swallow's Compass).
- Prelude in Violet - Patch 4.4 released on Sep. 18, 2018. Fourth Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, new section of the 8-man Alliance raid (Omega: Alphascape), 2 new dungeon (The Burn, Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)). Updates to Eureka and new Leap of Faith game at the Gold Saucer.
- A Requiem for Heroes - Patch 4.5 released on Jan. 8, 2019. Fifth Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, last section of the 24-man Alliance raid Return to Ivalice, addition of a new job (Blue Mage), 1 new dungeon (The Ghimlyt Dark), Hidden Gorge added to PVP, New Doman Mahjong game at the Gold Saucer. New ability to transfer worlds.
- Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty - Patch 5.1 released on Oct. 29, 2019. First Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, first section of the new 24-man Alliance raid (The Copied Factory), 1 new dungeon (The Grand Cosmos), 1 new trial (The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy), new raid difficulty for The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate), beginning of the Ishgard Restoration. A large crafting and gathering overhaul. The Slice is Right game added to the Gold Saucer.
- Echoes of a Fallen Star - Patch 5.2 released on Feb. 18, 2020. Second Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, new 8-main raid (Eden's Verse), 1 new dungeon (Anamnesis Anyder), new trial (Memoria Misera (Extreme)), addition of Bozja zone and Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr quests. Added Qitari Beast Tribe quests.
- Reflections in Crystal - Patch 5.3 released on Aug. 11, 2020. Third Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, 2nd addition to the 24-man Alliance raid (The Puppets' Bunker), 1 new dungeon (The Heroes' Gauntlet).
- Futures Rewritten - Patch 5.4 released on Dec. 8, 2020. Fourth Patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, 2nd addition to the 8-man raid (Eden's Promise), 1 new dungeon (Matoya's Relict), 1 new trial (Castrum Marinum), new large-scale battle (Delubrum Reginae).
- Death Unto Dawn - Patch 5.5 released on Apr. 13, 2021. Fifth and final patch includes new adventures with main scenario additions, 3rd and final addition to the 24-man Alliance raid (The Tower at Paradigm's Breach), 1 new dungeon (Paglth'an), 1 new trial (The Cloud Deck).
- Newfound Adventure - Patch 6.1 released on Apr. 12, 2022. 1st patch for Endwalker includes new adventures with main scenario additions, 1 new dungeon (Alzadaal's Legacy), 1 new trial (The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria), new 24-man Alliance raid (Myths of the Realm, Part 1: Aglaia), new Ultimate Raid (Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)),

Heavensward - First expansion for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn released on June 23, 2015. The main storyline of the expansion pack deals with the Dragonsong War, a thousand-year conflict between Ishgard and Dravania, the home of the dragon beast tribe, which is also available to be explored. Free Companies can craft airships and use them to discover floating continents above the clouds. A number of new instances such as dungeons, two Primal battles and the Alexander: Gordias raid are introduced. Seal Rock, a capture the flag style PvP map, is added to the Frontlines. The level cap is increased to 60. The Au Ra are introduced as a new playable race.

Stormblood - The second expansion pack, Stormblood focuses on liberating the city states of Ala Mhigo and Doma from the Garlean empire. Features include increase of the level cap to 70, new dungeons and raids, new zones, swimming and diving gameplay, changes to the battle system, and two new jobs: Red Mage and Samurai. The release of Stormblood marks the end of PlayStation 3 support for Final Fantasy XIV.

Shadowbringers - The third expansion pack takes players to a new dimension, the First, which is a reflection of the Source, the player's home dimension. Here, players are actually work on restoring darkness to a world full of Light as they adopt the mantle of Warrior of Darkness. Features include a new level cap of 80, new dungeons and raids (including one themed around NieR: Automata), new zones, two new jobs—Gunbreaker and Dancer, and changes to the battle system. This expansion debuts two new playable races: Viera, as seen in Ivalice games, and Hrothgar.

Endwalker - The fourth expansion pack is the conclusion to the Hydaelyn–Zodiark arc of the story. Players travel to the Near Eastern nation of Radz-at-Han, the secluded and stout nation of Old Sharlayan and take the fight into the heart of the Garlean Empire in Garlemald. It features two new jobs including Sage, a healer that wields magical aether foci called nouliths and Reaper, a melee DPS that wields a scythe and can summon an entity from the void to assist in combat. Previously only available as a female-exclusive race, Viera are also to be expanded with a male counterpart. Similarly, sometime in the future, Hrothgar will receive a female variant after being previously male only.