
Race: Hume
Age: 18
A young sky pirate whose journeys through Ivalice have taught him much. At last the captain of his own airship, Vaan travels the skies in search of adventure.

Race: Hume
Age: 18
Vaan's childhood friend, always there to lend a helping hand - or a proper scolding. Penelo is ever the faithful navigator, even when Vaan strays off course in new (and alarming) ways.

Race: Viera
Age: Unknown
Mysterious and quiet, as viera are wont to be. Fran shares a bond of unshakeable trust with her fellow sky pirate and partner, Balthier.

Race: Hume
Age: 23
Legendary sky pirate who flies his beloved airship, the Strahl, to the ends of Ivalice. He stepped from the lime light at the great war's end, keeping his whereabouts well hidden.

Race: Aegyl
Age: 20
A warrior from the sky continent of Lemures. He exhibits a curiosity not commonly found among the aegyl, for which he is regarded as something of a curiosity himself.

Judge of Wings
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
An individual whose identity lies hidden beneath his winged armor. He aims to destroy the treasure of Lemures, the Auraliths. Sky pirates refer to him as the "Judge of Wings" due to his resemblance to the judges of Archades.