Armoury/Job System
In the Armoury System (also known as jobs), changing your adventuring class is as simple as changing what you hold in your hand.
Those classes which excel in combat are categorized into two groups: Disciples of War and Disciples of Magic. Each class is capable of performing unique actions which are learned as you gain experience and gaining levels. Furthermore, achieving a certain level of mastery in multiple classes will unlock jobs, which feature even greater specialization.
Classes are suited to those who desire versatility, as they allow the use of actions that belong to other disciplines. In contrast, jobs grant access to exclusive actions and are ideal for situations that demand well-defined roles. Which fighting style you adopt is entirely up to you.
By achieving sufficient mastery in a certain class, adventurers will be able to begin undertaking the mantle of a related job. For instance, gladiators may rise up as paladins, stout swordsmen who shield comrades from harm; thaumaturges may aspire to become black mages, masters of offensive magic; while conjurers may find a new calling as white mages, masters of healing.
The foremost appeal of jobs is the unparalleled degree of specialization they offer. Their potential is best realized in party situations, where having well-defined roles is the key to success. There can be no doubt that jobs shine the brightest in the company of others.
- Paladin requires Gladiator level 30 and Conjurer level 15. Can use Marauder and Conjurer abilities.
- Dragoon requires Lancer level 30 and Pugilist level 15. Can use Pugilist and Archer abilities.
- Monk requires Pugilist level 30 and Lancer level 15. Can use Lancer and Archer.
- Bard requires Archer level 30 and Conjurer level 15. Can use Conjurer and Thaumaturge abilities.
- Warrior requires Marauder level 30 and Gladiator level 15. Can use Gladiator and Pugilist abilities.
- White Mage requires Conjurer level 30 and Gladiator level 15. Can use Gladiator and Pugilist abilities.
- Black Mage requires Thaumaturge level 30 and Pugilist level 15. Can use Pugilist and Archer abilities.
Disciples of War
Followers of this discipline devote themselves to the mastery of weapons and the wars waged with them. Through rigorous physical training, they hone their minds and bodies into instruments of combat.
Archer - Archers are the ranged physical attackers that attack from afar. In Eorzea, two schools of archery have risen to prominence: that of the longbow sentries of the Elezen military, and that of the shortbow hunters among the Miqo'te. Archers constantly assess the battlefield in order to determine the most advantageous ground from which to loose their arrows, as well as the nature of the shaft, point, and fletching best suited to their foe.
Gladiator - Gladiators specialize in handling in one handed blades, from daggers to longswords. Tracing their roots to the Coliseum, where the roar of the crowd reigns supreme, these melee combatants have learned to seamlessly flow between attack and defense in a dance that delights the eye. Making use of their skill with the shield, gladiators can also draw the attention and attacks of an enemy upon themselves (similiar to the popular tanking role), thereby protecting their comrades from harm.
Lancer - The lancer is a master of polearms. In former times, the longspear saw the most widespread use, due in great part to the influence of the proud lancer legions of Ala Mhigo. The lancer's weaponry has since expanded to include other lethal implements such as the halberd and trident. By utilizing the long reach of their polearms, lancers are able to deal devastating damage from a position of relative safety.
Marauder - The marauder is a combat specialist whose weapon of choice is the 2H greataxe. Their approach to battle is one of brute force, as they rely on pure strength and good steel to crush enemies and sunder weapons. They are highly sought after for their ferocity and intimidating presence, and are often employed to hunt down monsters plaguing the land or to turn the tide of battle between warring nations. Marauders are slow and remain stationary during battle most of the time.

Disciples of Magic
The path of magic beckons to those with a restless desire to study and command sorcery in all its forms. Its adherents use artifacts and relics to call upon and channel forces within themselves and the aether around them, from which they then weave spells of both destruction and restoration.
Conjurer - Conjurers call upon the elements of earth, wind, and water and concentrates them to powerful spells. Through practiced meditation on the essences of creation, conjurers draw forth and absorb aether from their immediate surroundings. A wand or cane made from unworked wood is then utilized to focus the aether until it manifests as the desired spell. Versed also in magicks that restore and strengthen, conjurers are regarded as accomplished healers.
Thaumaturge - Thaumaturgy can be a force of terrifying destruction. At the heart of this school of magic lies the ability to call forth and command the latent aether within oneself through deep introspection. To then mold that aether into sorcery, the thaumaturge makes use of a scepter or staff, within which is housed a mediumâ€"a natural stone imbued with magical properties. Thus armed, the thaumaturge is capable of wreaking considerable havoc via ruinous spells and curses.
The crafting system is a part of the Armoury System; when a player decides to wield a Blacksmith hammer, their appearance will change and they will become a blacksmith. The same goes for harvesting tools; a player can equip them and their appearance will change. They will then take on the role of a resource gatherer. There are 2 different types of disciples, Disciples of Land and Disciples of Hand.
Disciples of Land
These include, but may not be limited to, Hunting, Excavating, Lumbering, Mining and Fishing. By taking a tool in hand, players can improve their skills in a variety of professions. Classes include:
- Botanist (hatchets)
- Fisher (fishing rods)
- Miner (pickaxes)
Disciples of Hand
Crafters are manufacturing and production side of Eorzea. By equipping various tools, one can enter a number of trades. There are a total of eight classes in this discipline, including:
- Alchemist (alembic)
- Armorer (hammers)
- Blacksmith (hammers)
- Carpenter (handsaws)
- Culinarian (skillets)
- Goldsmith (hammers)
- Leatherworker (headknives)
- Weaver (needles)