An energetic boy with more than enough curiosity. Fearless, which gets him into trouble, a prankster, which also gets him into trouble. never abandons someone in need.
An attractive, competitive headhunter with few weaknesses... save a love for gil. Seems cold, though it's hard to say whether that is who she is, or the result of some internal conflict. Known to other hunters as "Adelle the Cat".
The leader of Clan Gully, Luso's new family in Ivalice. A mentor and help to Luso in many ways, though ties to a mysterious organization shadow his past. Though a revgaji, Cid has mastered the jobs of the Bangaa.
A wandering moogle ministrel. Younger brother to Montblanc and Nono, and former resident of the far-away city of Rabanstre. Encouters Luso in his travels and promises to compose a song for him.
A high-ranking member of the secretive Khamja, a crime syndicate operating out of Graszton. Illua curelly strikes down any who stand between her and power. She and Cid, the leader of Clan Gully, had dealings in the past.
Hundreds of years past, Lezaford created the Laws and the Judges who keep them. A powerful archmage sometimes called Runemaster, he is somehow connected with the magickal grimoire Luso discovers.
Final Fantasy XII's leading man. Tempered by his many adventures, Vaan has matured in the intervening yeares, but he remains spirited and carefree - some might say careless. Now sky pirates, he and his partner, Penelo, are famous enough to find themselves plagued by imposters.
Vaan's steadfast partners, Penelo sometimes gently - but more often firmly - keeps him from straying too far off course. Already a famed sky pirate, she is also fast gaining renown as a skillful dancer.