
A knight of Grandshelt whose prodigious talents have earned him command of an airship brigade despite his young age. He harbors conflicted feelings toward his father, Sir Raegen - the kingdom's finest until he disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving Rain's family behind.

A knight of Grandshelt and lifelong companion to Rain, whose family took him in when he was orphaned as a child. Sharing command of the airship fleet with his friend, he tries to serve as a voice of reason to the impulsive Rain... with only occasional success.

A young girl who appeared from within the Crystal of Earth with no memories of her past, save her own name. Though she displays the innocence and curiosity of a child, her prowess with white magic and archery suggests there is more to her than she herself yet understands...

Veritas of the Dark
An ominous figure in jet-black armor who appeared from nowhere to lead an attack on Grandshelt Castle. Claiming to be one of the "Sowrn Six of Paladia", he aims to shatter all the realm's crystals for some dark and hidden purpose.