You receive 'How to Blitz" by Tidus and Wakka
*Kicks in the coin*
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You receive 'How to Blitz" by Tidus and Wakka
*Kicks in the coin*
You receive "How to be freaking awesome" by Auron.
*inserts the omega coin 5000*
You recieve a pooper scooper and chocobo shit.
*puts coin in*
you recieve a chocobo with a STD and wants to pass it on
*inserts coin*
*shoots chocobo and puts it in vending machine*
You recieve a Turkey dinner! Eat up.
WARNING: You may recieve HIV from eating this turkey
*puts coin in*
*you recieve Luke Skywalker's severed hand!
*puts a coin in*
You receive a Moogle that has been dead for 1000 years.
*kicks the coin in and stubs toe*
You recieve Cid's mop and a rusty bucket. "Get scrubbin'!"
*inserts 10gil*
You recieve Clouds fetis.
*Inserts coin*
You recieve stick-on Tifa boobs
0________o' *sticks Cloud's phoetus in machine and sprays detol on hands*
Detol protects against 99.9% of bacteria! fact!
you recieve clouds hair (which is his Pheotus)
*inserts a turkey*
you recieve some tonberry jerky
*inserts a strand of hair*
you recieve a hair kebab
*inserts this sentence*
You receive Cloud's boots
*insertage of coin*
you recieve Tidus' nipples
*inserts coin*
O.o ......
You receive a Tifa cosplay outfit xD
*kicks the coin in*
You recieve life size Tidus doll!! And mog cookies.
* pitches a coin in at 89mph*
Yay! *hugs Tidus doll*
*pops in coin and waits for more Tidus stuff*
You recieve rotting Tidus Corpse.
*puts coin in*
You receive a Remedy! Great, it heals all status ailments! Just incase you ever need to get rid of that nasty STD!
*puts coin in*
You receive the corpse of General Leo XD
*tosses coin in*
you recieve......your own corpse. Oh wait, its only a mirror. :D
*sticks in a coin*
Originally Posted by LionheartVIII
Xeim receives "Summoning for Dummies" courtesy of Yuna.
*pops coin in*
Oh thanks. you recieve a big kiss from Tidus.
*sticks in a coin*
You recieve .... Tidus's secret stalker !!
-Inserts a cookie in it-
you recieve a pizza because it doesnt take cookies
*inserts a sheep*
You received my anoyying cousin !! *Thank youT_T*
-inserts a virus in-
you recieve Chlamydia! [you get what you give]
*chucks in coin*
You received an unknown being....booo~~~
-Inserts a coin with mouth-
Since when were STDs Final Fantasy things? XD
You receive a life size statue of princess garnets step-mother............ew......
*insertage of the coin*