You stole potion
*hooks coin back out with on string* =]
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You stole potion
*hooks coin back out with on string* =]
You recieve Irvine's rubber duckie... it... viberates? 0_________o
*inserts coin*
You recieve a bar of choco-brand chocolate.
*inserts coin*
You recieve "A guide to leg cramps" by Laguna
*inserts coin*
recieves a back ache........
*inserts hand*
You get your hand stuck so Auron chops it off =)
*inserts shiny coin*
You get a Tifa tit.
*puts coin in*
You receive Cloud's old and dirty shoes
*inserts the pretty coin*
your recieve a blitzball with a bomb in it
*inserts coin*
You receive an eggplant
*inserts coin in the vending machine*
you recieve a vending machine that wants to inserts coins to you
*inserts burger*
*The Vendine Machine Denied*
*As a reward,you've been machine-gunned of gold balls by the vending machine*
-inserts coin in-
*the coin comes out*
*takes it and hits Kawaii on the head*
*puts hand in his pocket, and steals another coin*
*inserts the coin in the vending machine, and runs away*
the vending machine chases you and gives you a gyashi green
*inserts coin*
you receive an X-Potion
*inserts the glittery coin*
You received a glittery engagement ring from Yuna.
-inserts a chicken-
O.o Yuna is gay? =O *runs away from Yuna* Ewww....
You receive Rikku under the influence of Haste
*steals some gil from Tidus and inserts it into the vending machine*
You get molested by Vaan.
*puts coin in*
You receive a Gunblade keychain
*inserts coin*
You recieve a Magus Sisters musical jewlery box.
*inserts coin*
Finally! Something normal! LOL
You receive Zell plushie
*inserts a coin*
Hehehe :D You recieve a tickle-me-Yuna doll.
*chuckles to self while inserting coin*
xD You receive Zell's hair
*drags Zell's dead body away before inserting coin* "had to kill him to get his stupid hair" lol
you get the box containing "mother" RUN!!!!
*inserts coin*
I run away, and the vending machine does too, so you receive nothing.
*inserts coin*
you recieve nothing because the Vending Machine hasnt returned yet :D
*returns machine*
*inserts coin*
You recieve a Yuffie gumball dispenser. Each gumball is the colour of each materia!
*pushes coin into machine*
You recieve Eiko's training bra...o.0;;
*Inserts coin and Eiko's training bra* =]
You recieve a blitzball autographed by Wakka.
*kicks the machine so that it'll give something*
The vending machine feels that it is being abused, so it gives you nothing.
*inserts coin*