recieve a candy bar cuz u fit into the vending machine!! ^^
*puts dona in*
(annoying keow)
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recieve a candy bar cuz u fit into the vending machine!! ^^
*puts dona in*
(annoying keow)
you recieve a smushed penny thingy of Dona
*puts in 12 gil*
plays hockey with the smushed dona thingy
*puts a coin in*
Tare comes out, and everyone gets free moogle cookies...wierd!
*puts coin in with great restraint* NO11 machine..too...poor! AHH!!
DAMN! *coin goes in.
Originally Posted by Tare, the Black
recieves a pet on the head for that.
*puts a cookie in*
Tare comes out, and everyone gets free moogle cookies...wierd!
*puts coin in with great restraint* NO11 machine..too...poor! AHH!!
DAMN! *coin goes in. get more money and a mog, kupo. itll fly around and annoy you till youre happy!!!!!
*puts in a coin with a moogle on it*
:D XD XD XD!!! You recieve a great big hug, and large ff collection!!!
oh boy, this part.....*huffs**coin falls in*
You recieve a great big hug as well, and the CE of FFXII as well as the FFIII version of the DS Lite
*puts in a penny*
you received nothing ^^
-inserts a turkey in-
you get a baby chocobo.
*puts a banana in*
You get a banana split
*Smashes the machine with seymours head*
"yay this is fun, now why was i here again?
*some how inserts seymours head*
you recieve a massive slap from me^^
*inserts fingernail lost from slapping*
You received a sudden surprise from a big fat red clown
-inserts clown's nose-
you get a minature model of bevelle
*puts a cat in*
you recieve a scratch from your cat
*inserts a blood stained coin*
you recieve Zidane Brand coin polisher...I dont know why, but whatever. Thats what you get.
*inserts Selphie's fat head ( it somehow fits!! YAY!!!)*
Recieves a pair of nunchaks to the face as an enraged Selphie leaps from the machine.
*plops in a £1 coin (cause im a true brit!)
you recieve a bishie pimp hand from Vaan
*inserts coin*
You recieved a 5 Megalixirs!
*pops coin in*
you recieve 9999999999999999 gil which im sure isnt real
*inserts coin*
u receive an al bhed potion
*puts a coin in*
You recieve a drunken Cloud. Watch out.
*furiously shoves coin in machine* Take that!
you recieve Sephiroth's sword and a random omnislash ability
*throws Selphie back in, nunchacks and all*
Hi Xiem XD you recieve hugs and CaitSith doll
*puts coin in*
u receive yuna's staff
darn i'm outta cash
* puts a piece of paper from pocket in *
HI!!! * waves then runs over and hugs Tare* [and then]
*rolls eyes at evilyuna before patting her on the shoulder and then starts laughing for a while* :D [why does it seem like we havent talked for a while????]
you recieve a crystal chalice and some myrrh. (dont step out of the glowing ring)
*shrugs then pours in some extra myrrh*
*Puts a coin in for Xiem*
Xiem gets a redXIII doll
*puts his own coin in*
Thanks man I was fed up.
You get moogle shaped cookies (your favorite kind, whatever it may be) and a cerberus gun
*sighs and puts in a coin*
You get hugs, and...20000gil shopping spree!
*puts coin in*
YAY! :D wow....that'll cover the Wii and thw PS3 :D :D
You recieve hugs and...........Knights of the Round summon materia!!!!!!
*puts in a coin, suddenly gleeful*