You recieve the end of your finger... and its holding onto Full Life Materia!
*forces a coin-shaped beetle into coin slot*
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You recieve the end of your finger... and its holding onto Full Life Materia!
*forces a coin-shaped beetle into coin slot*
you recieve...the beetle, but it's all glowy like, if that helps?
*jams coke lid through slot..which is kinda getting a little outta shape*
recieves 50 coins (the machine is gettin mad :D)
*puts a coin in*
you recieve a belt from Lulu's dress.
*inserts 3 coins* [coz i can]
You recieve three chocobo turds.
*pops coin with a string attached then pulls it out*
gets a stronger string, cause the first one broke as you tried to pull it out
*puts a coin in*
you receive a moogle doll
*puts a coin in *
You recieve the doom spell casted on you... that sucks.
*Puts coin with stronger string attached to it into the vending machine*
recieves well...........a coin. srry dude.
*pops in a coin*
You recieve nothing... sorry homedawg.
*Puts coin in*
You recieve a date with Xeims mom.
*puts another coin in*
recieves megaflare ......ouch
*puts a coin in*
Ouch. Atleast it was a quick death right?Quote:
recieves megaflare ......ouch
You recieve a pheonix down to bring yourself back to life.
*Places bomb in vending machine*
You receive a Mako Reactor!
*puts chocolate coin in*
Originally Posted by LionheartVIII
u receive a blitzball
did someone say chocolate;7
*puts a coin in* recieve a Bowling ball with Wakka's face on it..
*shoves in coin*
You recieve a Sephy plushie!! Oh sh*t.... its alive!! RUNNN!!
*farts on the vending machine*
yayz.*huggles Sephy plushie*..oh, and you recieved a lifestream-container airfreshener..
*kicks machine hard*
You recieved a slap from the vending machine with a complimentary "jerk!"
*Licks vending machine*
u recieve a vacation for 2 inside of sin o_O
good luck ^^
*puts a coin in*
You recieved a blitzball!! O_o wow...
*attempts to shove cardboard in coin slot*
The vending machine melts, and pulls back together leaving you a jenova
*puts coin in, and waves to Jenova*
You recieved a chicken dressed up as vincent!!
*waves at Tare, starts to bang head on vending machine*
vending machine spits out a puppy named cloud !!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyy!!!!! XD
*puts 5 coins in*
five... hundred pirhannas come out and attack you! O_O
*puts a cow tongue in*
summons evil penguins to peck u to death!!!;7Quote:
Originally Posted by jenova33
*puts a plastic coin in*
recieves a real coin and an angry message from the vending machine :D
*pops in a coin*
receives a toy tidus that cries everytime u pull the string.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xeim
*rips up angry message and shoves it back in*:D
it spits it back out
*grabs a pencil from Tare and shoves it in. Gives him 5 coins just cause*
u recieve nothing for ur folly >_>
*puts xeim in*
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! I come back out you meanie!
*puts Sephy in*