you recieve a picture of Barret with womans under-wear on
*inserts coin with string attached to it and yanks it back out*
Printable View
you recieve a picture of Barret with womans under-wear on
*inserts coin with string attached to it and yanks it back out*
*System Error !!! * You are to be arrested *
You recived a fine from doing that
-inserts a girl from hell-
you recieve a boy from hell :D
inserts a fake Gil he found on the floor
You received an unknown love not By Tidus to Wakka
-inserts explosive in-
you recieve a loud explosion
inserts coin but falls on floor because machine dissapeared with a bang
8system8 err00r8275432!$@&#*92
You received a new vending machine
-inserts more viruses in-
recieves message saying virus succesfully installed
*inserts coin but gets shock upon contact*
recieves a bob-omb
*removes viruses with pro moves and puts a coin in*
*sighs* you recieve a......Vincent Doll with real working pistol!!! YAY, it was mine ;(
*blinks* I've gone broke
*puts last penny in*
You recieve a copy of what a waist of a coin.
*Inserts wang into vending machine*
you recieve a slap in the face
*gives Tare a bunch of coins, then puts one [not one given to Tare, he gets a bunch of his own] in*
You recieve Advent children test score A++++
*smiles* rich again
* carefully tries not to put more than one coin in* Oh boy...that was tough....
You get an amazing idea for a poem alluding(sp?) to Vincent.
*pops in a coin*
You get a plethora of moogles!
*nearly puts two coins in* gotta save up!
(sp?) What?
You get Sephy's sword. (just cause your having a bad day dont kill anything with it...)
*puts a coin in*
(sp?) means i dont know if i spelled the word correctly
You get Last Elixir!
*pops in coin*
You recieve Lucifers severed head. Lol...
*Castes haste on self then puts 2 coins in*
and....recieves nothing
*puts a coin in*
You recieve, Cid's ship, the High wind
*putscoin in*
You recieve a Katana. Good for you.
*Puts coin in*
You receive a Kupo Nut!
*Puts in coin*
You received Rinoa's dress
*puts coin in*
You recieve +2 strength, congrats.
*puts dead hooker in vending machine*
You recieved a dead hooker!
*pops coin in*
you recieve the dead hookers dead pimp who's preparing to death pimp hand you
*inserts coin*
you receve a pet Couerl. Careful... it may bit your hand off!
*shoves coin in*
You received the title "Moderator"
*inserts 5 coins*
You recieve five tubs of KFC- Kalm Fried Chocobo!
*puts in very sniny coin*
Ooooh shiiiiiiiiny!
You received a love note by Yuna to you
-inserts a skeleton in-
..bad idea. the machine didn't like that. It spurts out a funny mist..You are a zombie, now. be careful not to use full life, ya?
*shoves finger through slot. says 'ouch'*