You recieved 99 ELIXIRS!!!.......wait, whats this? The machine is getting something.....You have just won a DATE with.............................................. ..................BARRET WALLACE!!!!! Congratulation!!!!( :p)
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You recieved 99 ELIXIRS!!!.......wait, whats this? The machine is getting something.....You have just won a DATE with.............................................. ..................BARRET WALLACE!!!!! Congratulation!!!!( :p)
you forgot to put a coin in so ill put in one for you
*puts a coin in for Omega OwA*
You get an autogroph photo of Tidus.
*puts coin in*
Ah! I'm running out of coins! Thanks for that one robo_kirby
You recieved Zidane's Tail!
*Looks for coin on the ground and pops it into machine*
You recieved 9.999.999 coins (have fun with them! :D)
*inserts coin*
you get a king size bucket of kuntucyFriedChocobo.O_o
*puts doller in and gets change out*
*steals robo kirby's coin and puts it in*
You recieve Ultamecia's tampons.
*puts coin in vending machine*
You recieved the Chocobo theme on your cell!
*Finds another coin and puts in*
You get....a brand new/old rusted chocobo statue.
*puts life savings in* lucky #7!
you recieve a royal date with maester Mika have fun :D
*inserts coin* and *give Omega Owa 10 spare coins*
*stole the 10 coins from Owa*
You received a kiss from Cloud.
*insert coin in* and *sabotages the Vending Machine*
DAMN YOU *starts crying* that vending machine was my friend
*un-sabotages the machine from darrick-fiery* you recieve a beating for trying to sabotage the machine
*inserts coin*
OMG a bomb fell out *BOOOOOOM*lol!
steals coin and says "mabye ill have more luck.
*puts coin in*
You received a suprise nuclear bomb
-Inserts coin with last breathe-
you recieve an extra life
(since the a-bomb exploded)
*ghost of me puts coin in*
Congratulations...You received a sword in your face
*Inserts evil coin*
You receive *drums* worms...
Nah...I don't have money...*hits machine* *waits*
You are flooded with coins !!
-inserts coin to delay time-
you recieve a big pile of dog poo
*puts a coin in*
You get your 'horn' snapped like Kimahris'
*Puts in teh coin*
You received a pie in the face
-Inserts a very weird coin-
you get a very wierd coin...what a coincidence
*puts a coin in*
You received a dreadful call by a girl from hell
*inserts coin and hoping that the next person will be killed*
you recieve Death by Explosive Jell-o
*puts coin in praying not to be death*
You get a front row ticket to a public hanging, enjoy
*inserts C4 shaped as a coin*
Boom....random things fall out at you...but shamefull as it failed to blow up a vending machine
but you did get some Flap Jacks
*puts coin in*
You received a title that changed you from "n00b" to "Badass overlord*
-inserts coin and put some viruses in it-
you recieve a psychotic chocobo which has lost its mommy and thinks your its mommy
*inserts coin*
*machine rejects*
*inserts coim
you receive a copy of 'Suteki da ne' wrapped in a lock of Tidus's hair
*inserts 2 coins*[because i can]
*coin rejection....WARNING !! You've been punched by a mechanical boxing arm
*inserts tooth like coin in*
machine spits out tooth like coin, aswell as a photo of cait sith with love hearts drawn on it.
*tries to throw in coin from a distance, fails, and sticks in slot normally*