you get cooked roadkill (lol!)
insert a glass bottle...
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you get cooked roadkill (lol!)
insert a glass bottle...
you get a fishing pole
::inserts shoes::
You get your shoes returned to you...
with someone's severed feet in them.
-inserts a Snapple Fact-
you get a pissed of tifa, its her time of the month, she just ran out of pads and you are now her punching bag that she takes out her agression on
::inserts severed sephiroth head::
you get a happy sephiroth, who is alive and well and wants you to help him destroy the planet... muhahahahahaaaa! ahem...
*inserts laundry*
you get a box of detergent (cheap one)
*inserts a picture of my pretty self*
you get a signed porno of hojo and himself
::inserts Mt. Dew lid::
Gets a jumper cable
*Inserts incent*
you get a peice of the strahl
::inserts cid::
you get the highwind!
inserts death note
You get it returned to you but this time.... Your name has been written in it by Kira/Light.I'll be seeing you in hell in the next 40 seconds
*Inserts Momo Mastermind's bed*
you get a dirty dress, whats all that white stuff?
inserts ????::
I come back out smacking you for shoving me in there!!
*Inserts The Order*
out pops 500 troops all with one mission, to destroy you!
::inserts bananna with no peal::
you get a monkey holding lotsa bananas!
*inserts my house keys*
you get an oak door
*inserts food wastes*
You get a dishwasher. :D
*inserts a broken CD*
You hear someone sing,you reconize that voice is coming from Hojo!
*Inserts a can of soda*
You receive pale white Hojo serum.
*inserts Cloud's hair*
You receive Squall's hair!
*Inserts a deathnote*
You receive that butt monkey from 'Bruce Almighty' looking for a new home.
*inserts miniature airship in a bottle*
Outcomes a nun who smash your face using the bottle
*Inserts a car*
Out comes a whale which lands on top of you. It's one horny whale.
*inserts Hume remains*
you get something quite gross...
*inserts mobile phone charger*
you get.....nothing???:huh?:
:inserts coin:
you get a pizza!
inserts whole CD collection
You get Hojo's underwear with his name signed on it!!
*Inserts a MP3
You get a Yoda Pez dispenser, lol.
Insert my foot...
You receive a pole
*Inserts a chopstick*
drop out a sharpened cereal spoon.
Insert a leprechaun.