You get head of Leon from Resident Evil 4.
*Inserts .44 magnum*
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You get head of Leon from Resident Evil 4.
*Inserts .44 magnum*
a hand reaches out of the VM, and you get a cap popped in your ass :P
*inserts gauze and bandages*
you get a first aid kit
*inserts advertisments that pop up on the tff site*
You recieve message saying "There are adds on tff?" "Wow."
*inserts moggle named kupo-chan*
Recieves a pair of Kupo Nuts...
*inserts screwdriver*
U get screwed in teh butt by Tayzande (is that hao u spell it?)!
*Inserts Infinity Gauntlet*
you get an unlimited amount of slaps from the vending machine
*inserts snorkel and earplugs*
U get Black Bolt, who is very angry at u and yells at u... (OH NOES!!!)
*Inserts Kil'Jaeden*
nothing happens with the vending machine
*inserts whistle and batteries*
The Whistle & Batteries you inserted get thrown out and Mr. Resetti pops out and starts babbiling on about something to do with inserting things into other things, after 3 hours, 47 minutes & 78 seconds, he leaves.
*Insert page from note pad with my brothers cell phone number on it...*
U get the Scatman who then clogs up your brain with foolish mannerisms until your head explodes...
*Inserts Morshu the Shopkeep*
you recieve a chibi hypello doll
*inserts funblade*
U get shot by John Wilkes Booth
*Inserts pez dispenser*
You get Malboro breath!
*inserts handfull of pocket lint*
You get a fresh and juicy hair ball, but the cat is no where to be seen.
::Inserts the year 2008::
you get teleported into the year 2009
*inserts smirnoff*
U get the evil sock of Darth Vader!
*Inserts a piece of paper with the word "yen" on it*
The Sh!tty Wok Asian Man from Shouth Park popsh out, and givesh you shome Sh!tty Chicken to-go.
*Inserts foot inserts*
U get a knee to the crotch! Yum!
*Inserts chibi kuja doll*
you get a lunch box that is ticking, covered in white powder, and reaks of gas.
::inserts jager::
U get Mick Jager, straight out of his "hazy dayz"
*Inserts admit one ticket to a Broadway musical*
You get a ticket to the live action "cannible the musical" in return
::inserts Cloud's shoe string::
you get clouds shoe string XD
*inserts aft deck*
you get the FWD bridge
::inserts 1/32 soldier::
You get a Vincent Valentine dollie. No, it's not an "action figure", either.
**inserts a slip of paper with the number 10000111100011101001110000111111110101011101020111 010111 written on it**
you get a red pill and a blue pill with a note telling you to pick one.
::Inserts empty beer can::
*You get a can of ice cold beer*
*Inserts a pencil*
U gets a booger!
*inserts nothing*
*you get a note saying "Bugger Off!!*
*inserts pillow*
You recevie...."error".... You recive...."Error". Machine is out of order.
*Sends replacement note*