your brain mushed up and corroded the VMs operating mechanisms. while you wait for a new machine, you get arrested for damaging public property.
*inserts imaginary rubber chicken into imaginary VM, as replacement has not yet arrived*
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your brain mushed up and corroded the VMs operating mechanisms. while you wait for a new machine, you get arrested for damaging public property.
*inserts imaginary rubber chicken into imaginary VM, as replacement has not yet arrived*
You get Death Cult Armageddon, the most pissed off album ever created. Congrats.
*inserts the ripped off face of Jesus*
The replacement has arrived. (cuse you DarkVivi!) You get a turd.
*inserts coin*
you recieve a note telling you that you are nothing but a nebula-sized turd in a galactic toilet
*inserts empty can of deodorant*
U get a foam middle finger!
*inserts the Void to consume whatever's inside...*
the Void returns, consuming you. You look around to discover it has also consumed a pair of christmas socks, 4 candy bars, a small puppy and an African child.
*inserts Joker*
You get a joker doll with a string to pull out of its back. Whenever you pull the string, he says "Why so serious?"
*inserts postbit*
you get a funblade
*inserts Miley Cyrus*
You get a miley cyrus game.
*Inserts Materia*
you get pepper
*inserts condom and a pin*
*Inserts the legendary golden spoon*
you get Quina-in-a-can
::inserts spork::
you get a knife
*inserts lamp*
U get a wooden chocobo
*inserts a stale cheeto*
you get a box of corn flakes
*inserts coco pops*
U get .01 zenny.
*Inserts rathalos ruby*
you get a supply of scars and blisters
*inserts a crane strapped to a rocket*
U get a zombie and he eats your brains!
*Inserts some fleas*
You get a dog with an upset stomach
*inserts a kunai*
*Inserts straw*
You get a coke..... a diet coke! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
*inserts raw caffine*
U get the T-virus.
*takes Diet Coke, gets a bag of Mentos, puts them in the bottle, closes it tightly, and inserts it into the machine...*
you get arrested for damaging public property, as your coke/mentos bomb destroyed the machine.
*inserts hope that new machine arrives quickly*
U get a "kiss my ass" letter from me in jail, but no new vending machine.
*Inserts Dr. Robotnik into the vending machine in prison...*
You get some eggnog spiced with rum
::inserts rest of rum::
you get frozen rum
*inserts the time egg from chrono trigger*
the new machine has arrived! you get a blitzball, signed by the Besaid blitzball team
*inserts moogle*
you get a sith and not the dark side kind
::inserts frozen rum::
you get a new type of alcoholic beverage that you would have invented in the future
*inserts a guru holding a hermonica*
U get buttsecks
*Inserts rusty chainsaw*