You get a Black Waltz 3 Plushe
*Inserts Black Waltz 2 and 1 Plushes*
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You get a Black Waltz 3 Plushe
*Inserts Black Waltz 2 and 1 Plushes*
...And you get a Steiner doll, complete with batteries!
*inserts random scrap of paper...*
And You get Zell's Brain
*Inserts Vivi's Curiousity*
you get burned by the flames coming out of the machine.
*inserts radioactive sloth beasts*
...and you get... more sloth beasts... lucky you!
*inserts $.50 coin...*
And you get a $1 return,lol.
Inserts a rare coin in an dusty vending machine....
...And you get a note saying "I'm too old for this..."
*inserts empty soda can...*
And you get a full can.
*Inserts stellazio coin*
nothing happens
*inserts free copy of Chrono Cross*
And you get an illegal copy of Chrono Trigger!
*inserts Mortal Kombats 1,2,3,4, and 5*
And you get Street Fighter Alpha Zero
*Inserts Chocobo egg*
You get Garnet alexandrios ^^
Insert's quater in slowly
Too slow. The hole closed.
*inserts nothing*
...And you get nothing! Smart you!
*inserts everthing...*
You get... A batch of cookie's ^^
Also a waffle ^^ (>^^)>#
Insert's a dollar
you get 1000 gil
*inserts bostaff*
You get... 5,500,100,675,323,343,456,545,565,656,566 gil^^
Insert's 40 dollars
...And you get 40,000 yen!
*inserts green plastic cup*
you get a blue plastic cup
*inserts a lottery ticket*
You get nothing!!! heh heh
Insert's a picture of supersabin's avatar
...and you get an avatar of ME!
*inserts that AWESOME sig.*
you get a po-ta-to
no not a potato, a po-ta-to.
*inserts a to-ma-to*
...And you get a Pomato. What's a Pomato? It's a combo on tomato and potato. Deal with it.
*inserts broken dreams...*
And you get Tidus! But every bone in his body is broken...
-inserts broken Tidus-
...And you get... stuff you don't need! :D
*inserts plastic explosives...*
And the vending machine explodes!
*inserts spare partsin a new vending machine*
...And the new one explodes... :(
*inserts Phoenix Down into old Vending Machine...*
And a angel swoops down from heaven and bi*ch-slaps you!
Insert the angel... ( you know because she hit you! PAYBACK!)
And a Demon comes up and hits you!
*inserts parts from the old/new Vending machine*
...And the Vending Machine comes in, wondering why we're putting machine parts in a washing machine disguised as a Vending Machine.
*inserts all these ANNOYING ads!*