You inserted nothing, so you get Malboro poo.
*inserts Rocket Launcher*
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You inserted nothing, so you get Malboro poo.
*inserts Rocket Launcher*
...And it launches them at your face!
*slids in peeled oranges...*
...And you get a apple.
-inserts a squeaky hammer-
and get a rubber duck
inserts coin
You recieve 1 gil!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*inserts number one headband* :above:
And you get #2 headband.
*inserts random anime character*
And you get one of them FF7 potions that they sell in japan in real vending machines YAY
*Smash's the shit out of the vening machine with a buster sword*
And you get a Sephy clone attacking you!
*inserts a piece of paper*
and you get a piece of paper saying "I'm not a typewriter"
Inserts a coin
And you get a 1-UP!
*danada!* You gained an extra life!
-inserts a chocobo feather*
*gets a note saying: I'm not a slot machine, either! Wait...*
*slids in Fate*
..And you get your destiny! lol, and it would be that forgotten can of tomato juice. xD
*forces a Flan inside*
and out comes
Inserts a coin
And you get 2 gil!
*inserts Final Fantasy 12,6, and 8*
And you get FFII.
-inserts ogrekillerx1-
And you get an Ogrekillerx10
inserts Tifa
....And you get Cloud!
-inserts a pencil*
you get an eraser
*inserts my crushed hopes, dreams, beliefs and feelings*
You get the Caldabolg!
*inserts Kefka*
And out comes Sephiroth, who smacks you and runs off!
*slids in yo-yo...*
and you get busted by the police for breaking the machine!
*puts a coin in*
the coin pops back out
*inserts picture of cat, headphones, and a cellphone*
And you get a toy Zack
*Puts Ralz and Fate in a blender and slids it in*
And you get me! I impale you in the head with Sephy's Masamune and say "DON'T DO THAT!"
-inserts ViviMasterMage with Masamune in his head-
You get your Masamune back! and there is no more blood stains!
*inserts Master Sword*
gets 1 onoying fary yelling at you all day
inserts computer screen
And you get a annoying paper-clip asking if you want destroy him
*Inserts Black Mage hat*
And you get a Black Mage Dressphere!
-inserts Soul Edge-
And you get a Skull
*Inserts High Mage Staff*
And you get a low mage staff!
-Inserts Soul calibur-