(Thanks for setting this up)
You recive Google! (BURN)
*inserts blessed bayonet in real vending machine*
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(Thanks for setting this up)
You recive Google! (BURN)
*inserts blessed bayonet in real vending machine*
you get a unblessed bayonet !
insert's a demo of LOD-2
And you get a demo of Legend of Dragoon 1.
*Inserts pyreflies*
And you get a dead guy... ewww.
Inserts apple juice...
Five days later you receive rotten apple juice
::Inserts Kefka's shoe::
And you get Kefkas pants!
*inserts Shogun Executioner*
you get dead zombie
i put in a rampaging coppie of storm cell that kills evryone who hasent seen it
And you get killed!!
*Inserts Apocolypse tank*
You get a black hole and a candy bar. Have a nice day.
*inserts shoe lace*
gets a venomous snake
*inserts a earring*
And you get boomerang!
*inserts Keyblade*
And you get the Dream Sword!
*Inserts Final form*
You get Master Form.
*Inserts the Camera Obscura*
And you get a lecture on the Hockney-Falco thesis.
*inserts diamond bracelet*
And you get a diamond ring!
*inserts Anti-form*
gets a dill pickle delicious thank you
*inserts a onion ring*
And you get Anti-form which proceeds to attack you!
*inserts Ebony*
you get Ivory :)
*inserts a pillow*
gets a blanket
*inserts a rubber chicken*
Gets a rubber egg
*inserts bowl of cereal*
And you get a bowl of milk!
*inserts Kingdom Key*
gets a gunblade
*inserts a jar of grape jam*
you get grape soda in a 2 liter botle
*inserts microwavable fries*
You got McDonalds
*inserts FFIX disc one*
You got Zidane
*Inserts Ultima Weapon*
An you got the Caldabolg!
*Inserts Heaven's Cloud*
gets sephiroth's Murasame
*inserts a Fable 2 disc*
And you get the superior and story driven Fable 1!
*Insert Fate's Decapitated head*
gets Armageddon's amuptated leg ahhh holy crap!!!
*inserts a speedo*
And you get a slowo!
*inserts remains of the original Purestar station*