You receive the thing that is on your mind --- an extremely dirty looking dildo (formerly owned by Squall...ew).
My my, Joe. :p
*inserts tictac*
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You receive the thing that is on your mind --- an extremely dirty looking dildo (formerly owned by Squall...ew).
My my, Joe. :p
*inserts tictac*
You recieve a hammer and nails..
Don't tempt me Daisy...=]
*Inserts coin and wood
You recieve a slap.
*walks to vending machine...inserts penis*
You recieve strange deju vu 0_o;;
Inserts coin of..dreamyness?*
you got a date with Squall!! (FF VIII)
*inserts coin in*
You also get a date.........with Gogo. Ha!
*inserts gummi bear*
You got some a bloke named Frank who works a day job in a box making factory. He is about 6''3' and has a wife named Mary with two kids, Matt who is aged 6 and James aged 9. Frank is 35 and his hobbies are playing tennis with his old high school buddy, Jeff. Frank is currently in a bad mood because he isn't getting enough money from his job.
*Inserts coin forged from cardboard
You get a cardboard box.
*inserts platinum coin*
You get a shiny platinum box filled with wepons of mass destruction. :O
*inserts a shiny coin*
You get a hobo-ised Tidus in a large tin can
*inserts hairy coin*
You get a giant..furry.. squisy doll! It's purple and looks like a Jelly fish!
*inserts a Chocobo*..somehow*
You get a chocobo egg.. from the im-pregnated chocobo you shoved into the machine. Let's not go into details as to how it got pregnant.
*Inserts coin*
You get Piggsy. =]
Inserts chainsaw*
You've succesfully destroyed the vending machine. You get vending machine parts.
*New holy vending-machine is sent down from the heavens*
Everything from this vending machine is at least slightly holy.
*Inserts coin*
you recieve......a holy bottle!!!
*inserts coin*
You recieve a holy t-shirt (it's not much good for wear as it has lots of holes in it)
*inserts coin*
Holy Cow!!!! you didn't get a darned thing, boy!
*inserts a coin*
Hmph.. you get some holy water - to cleanse you from your sins. Don't touch it though - it burns.
*inserts coin*
oh thanks. you get the holy spell. Aren't I so nice??
*inserts coin*
you get yuffie's headband!
*inserts coin*
you recieve a holy rock....
*inserts coin*
You recieve an holy-bomb - chuck it and it blows up, healing everyone in the blast radius by a great amount.
*inserts coin*
interestingly awesome.
you recieve a holy flower that will protect you from danger.
*inserts coin*
You recieve a really cool guy who was deported from America for rape charges.
*Inserts penis and coins*
you recieve a slap in the face by a hot girl and a box thats says "sorry try again"
*inserts coin*
You receive a kick in the ass by Gogo.
*Inserts coins*
*you receive distorted guitar*
*inserts stick*
you recieve a better looking stick
*inserts pudding*
You recieve a sock
Inserts wool*
You recieve the # 23 counting sheep from the matress comercial!
*inserts a sticker*