... get's Aeris' flower! :o
Inserts sushi...
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... get's Aeris' flower! :o
Inserts sushi...
An delicious cooked salmon pops out in a plate!
*Inserts 5 Gil*
gets a plate of tasty spagetti
*inserts a slice of pimento cheese*
a hand emerges from the VM and pours ketchup down your pants.
*inserts SARS*
gets AIDS
*inserts HPV*
Nothing came out!
*Inserts dirty left sock*
And you get a clean right sock!
*Inserts Ebony (DMC gun)*
An Ebony long Bow poped out!
*Inserts 2 Eggs*
you get 2 fried eggs.
*inserts rice*
You get Rice Balls.
*inserts the Blind Demon(Fatal Frame ghost)*
gets Las Plagas Zombie
*inserts sushi*
The machine vomits on you and the words "EWW FISH!" appears on the display.
*inserts a Smash chocolate bar, then regrets and tries to climb into the machine to get it back*
get's a butterfinger f*ckin sweet
*insert's a pickled pig's foot*
You Recieve a Seifer Card.
*inserts "Post Quick Reply" button*
machine shouts at you immediately after inserting button.
*inserts cookie*
you get chocolate chips
*inserts chocobo*
gets a Brahmin( two-headed cow in Fallout 3)
*Inserts a pair or sweaty gym socks......*
Gets a pair of the sweatiest, dirtiest socks you have ever seen!
*inserts phoenix materia*
You get Falconzord!
*Inserts Mince*
*Gets a racoon*
*inserts peice of chewed gum stuck to a clop of hair*
You get pocket lint stuck to a cough sweet.
*Inserts tissue*
The machine sneezes at you, and oil goes everywhere.
*Inserts the pink Power Ranger*
gets white power ranger....
*inserts a copy of resident evil 5*
Press here to get your answer.
*Inserts Frozen Bones*
A packet of Iced Gems.
*Inserts a Mahogany throw pillow*
Rick Astley poped out and Sings "Never Gonna Give You Up" for you.
*Inserts unpopular Music CD*
you got a cloud strife plushie :)
*puts coin in*
And you get a smack!
*Inserts Imp*
you get a cloud strife perfume(yes it actually exists O_O)
*inserts coin*
The imp comes out and starts throwin fireballs at you!
*Inserts Pinky Demon*