A machine pities me. "GRRRRRRR"
You recieve a Black Chocobo.....better luck next time.
*See's someone about to put in a coin and pushes them aside."
"No no no mine..hmm I wonder."
*Ties a string to the coin and puts it in the slot.*
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A machine pities me. "GRRRRRRR"
You recieve a Black Chocobo.....better luck next time.
*See's someone about to put in a coin and pushes them aside."
"No no no mine..hmm I wonder."
*Ties a string to the coin and puts it in the slot.*
Seymour comes and steals the coin away from you, and you receive a beating from Seymour.
*Makes Tidus put in the coin for me*
*The vending machine exploded*
Aww...it hates you for cheating
*A new vending machine suddenly appeared out of nowhere*
-insertage of big coin-
The machine does not take big coins.
A dead Valefor falls out of the sky and crushes you.
*coin insertage*
You recieve a pack of chocolate Quezacotl droppings- Chocolate balls with a caramel centre!
*takes off shoe and inserts coin using toes*
You receive Geesahl Greens!
*searches pochets*
Damn, I'm broke.
*puts the right hand in Zoe's pocket and finds a coin. Puts the coin in the vending machine.*
you recieve a rejected coin
*kicks the vending machine*
The vending machine kicks you back
*pops in teh special coin*
You received Cloud's favourite chocolate bar
*insertage of a cat*
you recieve a dog
*inserts water*
Mmmm... CHOCOLATE!Quote:
Originally Posted by Kawaii Chaser
geordanuk receives nothing cause the vending machine does not take water.
*hits the coin with Selphie's nanchuks and the coin lands in the slot*
aww i wanted something good oh well
you recieve a chocobo kebab
*inserts coin*
You receive Seymour's annoying voice.
*does several backflips over to the vending machine and stuff the coin in*
You recieve A signed bikini courtasy of Yuna.
*giggles to self while inserting coin*
You Receive a Zell plushie doll thingy what ever
*Shoves down several imaginary coins.
you recieve a imaginary gift
*inserts coin*
You received a free ticket to hell for 10 years
*insert a creepy coin-
You receive a torch, courtesy of Ifrit
*pops coin in*
You recieve a JENOVA X ZEROMUS hardcore porn mag... VERY creepy... 0___o
*high-jump-kick's a coin into the slot*
You received a chocobo doll limited edition !! aww how cute ^^
-inserts an explosive -
we all run away while you laugh at the thing as it blows up. and- you dont get anything except singed hair.
*go finds a new vending machine and puts in a coin*
Guess what! You just received a free coin!
*steals the coin and puts it back in the new vending machine*
You recieve the FF8 soundtrack
*puts coin in*
you recive a FFIX soundtrack, while I hunt down Boco and punch him.....*punches* with that done........
*puts a coin in*
You recieve Boco's egg. It hatches to reveal a mechanical arm holding a hammer. BANG!!!
*tries to restrain self from laughing, putting a coin worth 10gil into the machine*
you get PWNed by....the vending machine XD
*is laughing so hard, cant even put coin in....so......vending machine grabs it*
You get cactaur oficial brand cactaus.:D
*Puts coin in*
you get a rabid PuPu...........and a calm chocobo.....
*puts in a coin*
you recieve a fitness DVD by queen brahne god help you
*inserts coin*
you recieve Zidane's Guide to Life heheh.
*inserts a coin*