you recieve the pen used to sign the blitzball
*inserts siamese twin coins*
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you recieve the pen used to sign the blitzball
*inserts siamese twin coins*
you receive an angry e-mail from Wakka, telling you to bring him his pen back
*inserts coin*
you recieve Tifa's thong. [not the foot one]
*inserts coin sexily*
You receive Aeris's jacket
*the usual insertage of the coin*
you recieve Aerith's hair tie
*inserts coin*
You receive Tifa's gloves
*inserts coin*
you recieve a bottle of potion
*coin insertage here*
You receive a chocobo
*inserts coin*
You receive Bahamut Zero summon materia >.>
*inserts coinzorz*
you recieve a dispel toniczorz [aww, that's no fun]
*insertzorz a coin*
you recieve a vending machine
*inserts a coin*
You receive FFVII plushie set
*coin insertage*
you recieve a black chocobo feather..does this mean black haste?
*insertage of coin*
you recieve a pokéball
*inserts coin*
you recieve a Luca Goers uniform [ew]
*penetration of slot with coin*
you recieve seymour enjoy :D
*inserts coin*
sorry if it double posts network cable fell out while posting so it went dodgy
You receive Lulu's Fire Moomba
*le coin insertage*
recievage of one of Lulu's breast implants.
*ehcandyka uv dra lueh* [that's al bhed, people!]
You received a very shiny marble that makes you sleep for 2 years
*inserts a fluffy coin*
You recieve a fluffy thong, courtesy of Yuna
*total domination of vending machine*
Originally Posted by al_bhed_psycho
*cough* Anyway, I see I'm not the only one who speaks Al Bhed.
*insertage of le coin*
You received a double punch from the vending machine.*tooks out a tooth from your mouth*
*insertage of a piggybank*
You receive an Al Bhed Primer
*inserts the coin*
You receive 1 gil.
*inserts teh coin of doom*
you recieve a pimp hand of auron
*inserts coin*
You receive clouds silk dress
*inserts ultima coin*
You receive Aeris's red dress =P
*inserts teh gil*
You recieve a Yuna doll. Hug it and keep it safe! The spirit of Palador lies within the summoner doll.
*does a little flip and pops coin in*
You receive Zells tattoo (skin still attached >.>;)
*bounces the coin off of the ground, into teh slot*
You receive Selphie's nanchuks.
*twirls the coin around and pops it into the slot*