You got Zell's hot dog's.
*Insert's Speaker*
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You got Zell's hot dog's.
*Insert's Speaker*
you get a subwoofer
*inserts self*
*Machine get's stuck as we call a parametic to get KI out*
*In the mean time use's spare vending machine*
*Insert's Cheeseburger*
you recivce go to chatroom pass(now go)
*inserts coin*
you recieve nothing
*insert something gooey*
You recieve Vincent o.O
*inserts red fang*
gets a blood-thirsty pet vampire
*inserts pillow*
You receive an invisible invisibility potion.
*Puts keyboard in*
You got a Keyblade.
*Inserts gameboy*
You receive Final Fantasy V Advance :D
*Inserts dog*
Out pops a cabbage! haha! I mean cat!?!?
*inserts a 12 pack of mountain dew*:p
Wow, I haven't visited the vendor for a while. I'm having withdrawal symptoms! *eye twitch*
You recive 12 empty Mountain Dew cans.
*Inserts Ruler*
you get your ruler back..looks like the vending machine doesn't like them..
*inserts used condom*
You recieve an unused condom. Woo! Trade in! >.>
*inserts smashed up FFX disc*
you get back a message 'you are so boring...exact change...corr' lol
*inserts another used condom* :D
You get a flashy purple unused condom.
*Inserts my sister*
(wow that's the second time I've got an unused condom back :D)
you get pamela anderson :)
*inserts finger*
you get a toe
*insert dollar*
you get two dollars :)
*inserts toe*
You recieve a toe condom... so you won't pass fungal toe infection to anyone you.. toe 0_o
*inserts sanity*
nothing was inserted, so nothing is recieved
*insert pie*
(good answer btw lol)
Recieves half-eaten pie
*inserts pack of chewing gum*
(thx, lol)
you get a giant hamster
*insert piece of pie*
you recieve the plate it was on and you hear a loud burp from inside the vending machine
*inserts blu-tac*
you get half a dozen screaming eggs
*insert yellow paper*
You get a small child and a bottle of mylanta
*Inserts a spork*
you get an ocarina
*insert mask*
you get a paper hat
*inserts pack of cards*
You get an empty card box
*Inserts headphones*
You get a sound system ;)
*inserts breast implant* (not mine...honest!)