You get breast implant powder.
*inserts the guy who's sitting next to me*
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You get breast implant powder.
*inserts the guy who's sitting next to me*
you get the guy sitting next to you's hair
*inserts catsup*
you get 12 shillings
*inserts david hasselhoff*
You receive nasty chest hair
*Inserts Yasmine Bleeth's swimsuit*
you get an angry note telling you to stop throwing garbage in the vending machine
*inserts a hot chick*
* put 100 coins *
you get absolutely nothing, that horrable machine just ate your coins!
*inserts video relaxant*
You receive an on-topic thread post.
*Puts In One Hairless Nut*
you got noise crush *dramatic megaman music*
*inserts trout yogurt*
You get a note saying to quit putting unediable iteams in the vending machine! ^_^
*Inserts cheesy Poof, in the shape of clouds head*
*you get a piece of ice* {snicker}
*inserts balthier's hankerchef*
You get back a very soggy hankerchief
*inserts mouse*
You recieve a mousepad
*inserts black nailpolish*
you get the contents of the pot spilled out onto your nice shoes ;7
*inserts chain*
you get a giant moomba.
*insert game boy*
you get a Virtual Boy {sweet}
*inserts a nintendo power issue*
You get a nintendo 64 (yay, old school)
*Inserts pokemon snap*
A giant hand sprouts out of the machine and slaps you
*Inserts $300*
you get some plastic coins
*inserts top hat*
you get a used Tuxedo with a milk stain
*inserts plastic keyblade*
You get a dagger
*inserts microphone*
you get a jukebox :D
*inserts toy car*
You get a monkey
*inserts a fresh summer ham*
*You get a summer ham*
Inserts a slinky
you get a chair
*insert coin*
You get a dollar {best exchange system ever!}
*inserts a moogle head*
you get the moogle's left testicle..
*inserts pencil*
*you get a sharpened pencil*
Inserts a jelly donut.
You recieve the donunt hole! The rejected part of the donunt, congrads.
*You recieve Toms phone number from myspace! (lucky you) *
*you receive instructions on how this thread works* :) Sorry sometimes you gotta pick on the n00bs.
Inserts left eyeball.