You recieve a mini masamune keyring. Careful or it will pierce your leg through the fabric in your coat/trouser pockets.
*pushes coin in with tongue, getting tongue stuck in slot as the coin rolls in*
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You recieve a mini masamune keyring. Careful or it will pierce your leg through the fabric in your coat/trouser pockets.
*pushes coin in with tongue, getting tongue stuck in slot as the coin rolls in*
you rip your tongue really bad by pulling it out, and get a gunblade print banaid.................not that it will really help but.....its the thought that counts, no??
*puts a coin in*
You recieve Sabin's socks... they haven't been worn in YEARS!
*pops the coin in*
You get............the leviathan GF. arent you happy.
*puts a coin in*
You receive an ice sculpture of Reno from Shiva.
*pushes coin in and gets finger caught in the slot*
You receive Vivis pointy hat.
*puts the coin in*
You get.... a Roxas plushie
*puts a coin in*
You get a life size action figure of Yuffie (woot!!!)
*jams coin in with buster sword*
You receive a broken Buster Sword. Cloud then comes after you and attacks you, demanding his Buster Sword back.
*kicks coin in and gets foot caught in the vending machine*
you really need to calm down. Edea casts sleep on you
*puts a coin in the machine*
You receive an evil Moogle
*throws in the coin*
Your recieve stimulation via your anus. No jk. How about a bucket of onethousand cataur needles?
*Puts in coin*
you recieve an evil PuPu.
*pops in a coin*
You receive Aeris's hair.
*pushes in a coin*
you recieve a Besaid Aurochs loungechair.
*kicks vending machine, before realising it isn't going to work then inserts a coin*
you recieve Loz's cell phone.
*puts in a coin*
you recive Reno's ponytail
*flips coin before putting it in* [what difference will it make? i have no idea!]
you recieve........a cake with Seymour shaped icing stuff!
*puts in a coin*
You receive Kimahri's lance...but it is broken.
*flips the coin and shoves it into the vending machine*
you recieve the sun sigil but its a fake!
*flips a coin, and sticks a different one in*
you recieve is it exactly?'s purple..and it's moving!
*throws coin like a ninja star. doesn't land in slot. picks up coin and puts it in normally*
You recieve a chocobo egg....."it's moving"
"Does the super-watch me put a coin in to the slot only to realize its not a slot but a parking meter dance."
*Looks to his left and puts another coin in the machine.*
You receive a bag of chocobo feathers
*pops in a coin, but drops it due to staring at a picture of Tidus, so I put a different coin in* XD
*makes Vending machine noises* PLUNK.!!
You recieve 1000 gil
*checks his pockets and realizes he has no more coins.*
"This is no good. Better think of something fast."
*See's a man walking down the street, runs over to him and trips him grabbing a coin that fell out of his pocket and throws it landing it right in the coin slot on the vending machine.*
You receive 1,000,000 gil, but it is scared away by your yelling.
*pops the coin in*
DAMNIT I thought I would be rich.
You recieve a token to be played at the Gold Saucer.......doesnt seem too fair a trade.
*picks up another coin from the fallen man who doesnt appear to be moveing.*
"ummm......we either need a medic and or a pheonix down.."
*Shrugs and pops the coin in anyway.*
you received your coin back...The vending machine pity you
*inserts a gold coin in*
You receive Chappu plushie xD
*does a cartwheel and slams the coin in and falls to the ground*
Your MP is refilled
*puts coin in*
You receive 100 Phoenix Downs.
*pops teh coin in*