You recieve 5kg of candy
*inserts coin*
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You recieve 5kg of candy
*inserts coin*
You receive Eden GF
0_0...DEVOUR!!!!! xD
*inserts dead babies and a coin forged from a dead baby's placenta*
You receive Eden GF
0_0...DEVOUR!!!!! xD
*inserts dead babies and a coin forged from a dead baby's placenta*
You receive a one way ticket to a mental institution.
*Inserts coin of ultimate death*
*vending machine shoots your head with an AK 47*
*It is a sign for having long words*
-insertage of someone's doll-
*Congratulations !! You've been machine-gunned by the vending machine with AK-47 Bullets !!*
-inserts a C4-
-The vending machine doesn't want the doll therefore you receive nothing-
-inserts a dollar note-
*Vending machine responded : " GET AWAY FROM ME !! " After saying that , the vending machine pulls out 20 knives and stabs you many times*
*inserts some of your organs*
In all this chaos..I slowly run over to the vending machine*
You recieve candy bar..^_^
*inserts coin*
You receive my fist to your face.
Have a nice day. :D
*insert coin and runs away*
-Is confused at this new turn of events-
-Pauses to think and starts scratching chin-
...30 minutes later...
-kicks vending machine really, really hard-
-Out falls everything that everyone put in the vending machine and all the prizes-
"Woohoo! Jackpot!"
-walks away chuckling-
*vending machine is now empty*
-what now????
-goes and buys another vending machine-makes stevie boy pay
*puts in......a rabbit*
You recieve a punch - from me - for making me pay, using up some of my new found riches.
*grabs Xeim and pushes into the vending machine*
*Hopes to recieve his money back*
meh. I jump out armed with Sephy's Masamune (sp?) and an extremely large gunblade marhar. no money for you.
*shoves Stevie boy into the vending machine and laughs while poking him(/her?) w/ the masamune every time he (/she?) tries to get out*
*Stevie boy whips out his machine gun and empties a few rounds into Xeim.*
*Xeim crumples*
*Inserts all of Xeim's money*
LOL!!!!!! You never know w/ people,
Some unknown person walks into the room, and ressurects (sp?) Xeim with a pheonix (sp?) down.
Xeim jumps up, and shoots her gunblade, puttin a hole in Stevie boy.
*steals back money from vending machine*- with a little help from Zidane, who as it turns out was the one w/ the pheonix down.
-Stevie boy looks down at the gunblade sticking out of his middle-
-Screams madly and goes into a berserker rage-
-Charges at Xeim-
-Pummels Xeim-
-Stabs Xeim-
-Grabs slot machine and chucks it at Xeim-
-Inserts coin-
I get back up, amused at your antics, and proceed to give your prize from the vender. Your very own moogle.
*laughs at stevie boy*
*puts a coin in the vender*
Woo a moogle! What i've always wanted. Maybe this'll be enough to soften my heart... nah. I'll just train it to be my faithful, obedient slave.
Oh and yeah, you recieve a collar - not sure what animal it's for, though.
*inserts coin*
you got.......a little tiny piece of plastic....from a tuperware......
ummm........ok.........yeah how does a phoenix down sound??
*inserts coin...*
you receive a gil which was inserted in one of those coin crushers and gives you strange coins :D
*inserts coin*
You recieve a gory chocobo foot. (it's a lucky charm apparantly)
*inserts coin*
you recieve your head. disturbing...
*puts in a coin*
u recieve a chocobo
*puts a coin in*
you recieve a letter to Monty, sent through the mognet..........somehow ending up in the vender.....ZIDANE!!!!!
*sticks a coin in*
u recieve 1 gil lol
*puts a coin in*
You recive Squall...
*puts a coin in*
you recieve..........chocobo all you need is a chocobo
*puts in a coin*
awww yays XD and u receive rinoa:pQuote:
Originally Posted by Shadow#3000
*forces shadow's hand into vending machine*