You get twice as much hatred.
*inserts my classmate's CA1 paper which has extremely good marks on it*
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You get twice as much hatred.
*inserts my classmate's CA1 paper which has extremely good marks on it*
Finish her?.....
You get a dog which chases after a duck
*inserts wig*
*kicks Lulu*
You recieve hatred! Muah ha ha! >.>
*inserts Pumpkin*
You get orange juice
*inserts a screaming classmate*
You get something horrid
*inserts sneakers that stink of socks*
you get socks that stink of sneakers
*inserts chocolate ice cream with hot fudge sauce*
ooh, yes plz ^_^
oh, and you get a brick wall
*inserts Al_Bhed_Psycho*
*kicks walls*
Oi! Help me!!
Yesh, I'm fine, thank you FDL!
*stretches out and inserts coin*
Yesh, I'm fine, thank you FDL!
*stretches out and inserts coin*
I steal the coins and u get......
a kick in the bum!
*inserts FDL's right arm*
You recieve FDL's right leg
*inserts my own arm*
the machine rejects your arm, and gives you a free iced coffee
*inserts Al_Bhed_Psycho's precious hair*
You recieve "Bravery potion" From the chemist.
*inserts thermometer*
You recieve the potion of cowardice.
*inserts Rikku's thong*
You recieve footage of the birth of Vidina, Wakka's child.
*inserts lock of Seymour's hair*
You recieve all the items back, but now covered in platinum.
*inserts emercency tool kit*
You quickly recieve a pile of chocolates.
*inserts slow chocolate*
You get a chocolate bunny.....And it's ALIVE! o.O
*inserts the bunny*
You recieve a duck with a very big banana... in the non-perverted sense, its holding a large fruit.
*inserts meat*
*receives the owner of that meat......that it turns out being a crazy cow*
*inserts some old fish*
you recieve gil, exchange rate anyone?
*inserts stocks*
You recieve a few shares in a company that, within seconds of you getting shares, goes backrupt.
*Inserts small snowglobe*
you get....... wtf?! santa claus? o.0
*inserts Rudolph*
you get a rednose raindeer
*inserts bagel*
You recieve Ragnador the evil reindeer overlord...who eats your bagel!
*inserts chocolate frogs from harry potter...those things actually jump!*
You recieve a large jumping chocolate reindeer called George!! he lives and breathes, and is 100 percent milk chocolate!! ...0.o
*Inserts a marshmellow ChocoMog covered in peanuts*
you get a melted marshmallow chocomog covered in roasted peanuts. lucky you
*inserts hermione's cat crookshanks*
Ragnador looks at crookshanks and licks his lips
Me:Run Kitty
You recieve a recipe for broiled kitty a la mode
*Inserts a quote from Emily Autumn saying, "Are you suffering?"
the machine screams back at you: NO! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE, DAMMIT!!! oh, and it gives you a packet of ultra-crunchy thingamabobs.
*inserts thingamabob*