Well you get the exact replica of Vincents arm!
*Inserts the RENT video...cuz it rocks*
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Well you get the exact replica of Vincents arm!
*Inserts the RENT video...cuz it rocks*
You get a hobo-Moogle
*puts in the million Gil I saved up for a new armour*
u get arrested cus it was conterfitted
*inserts the tantulus air ship (i think thts how u spell the air ship's name from ff9 tht belonged to zidane's thieve band)*
*You receive a tail!*
*Inserts Quina's tongue* O_o
u get a chocobo ranch complete with no chocobos!
*inserts nepto dragon statue's cyrstal eye(ff3)*
*you recieve a "NERD" tatoo on your forehead!* n_n
*inserts slip of paper*
You receive "Slip of Paper x 50". ^^
*Inserts the "Key Blade"*
You get the ominous and mysterious "Thank Namine" note that you clearly (pretend to) know nothing about.
*inserts the karoke version of "Under the Sea"*
u get sebastian the crab served steamed
*inserts black waltz 1,2, and 3*
You recieve a rare 5X10 glossy photograph of a Sora and Riku making out on a Beach...and guess what...its autographed!
*Insets oblivion Keyblade*
u recive a key and a blade i guess the machine sepreated u keyblade into this junk
*inserts a black mage egg from ff9*
Gets a white mage from a different title. Them mages really get around, don't they?
*inserts rare mushroom*
*Receives a high Mario*
*Inserts Chocobo Wing*
u get a pissed chocobo
*inserts an ooglop (FF9)*
gets an Odin (FFIX)
*inserts a Pupu*
Gets landmarks which shouldn't exist in the world of FFVIII
*inserts ffvi glitch*
You recieve an exsplosive PS1 because the glitch was way too much for the machine to handle...sorry!
*Inserts moomba doll*
Another moomba doll pops out.
-pops in an eraser-
You recieve an eracer shaped like Tidus's face!
*Inserts a Blitzball...ball*
You recieve a pair of Blizballs and something inbetween
*inserts coupon for 50p off Nestle Golden Nuggets*
Gets coupon for 50rp off some weird brand of meatlike nuggets.
*Inserts mystery meat*
you get a note from Wakka telling you the meat was really good
*inserts a lock of reno's hair*
You recieve a lock of Vincents hair. Gimme!
*inserts bathroom tile with lulu's face on it*
you get a kitchen tile with Wakka's face on it.
*inserts dining room tile with Tidus' face on it*
You recieve bedroom tile with Seymour's face on it
*inserts Tidus tile*
Gets crystal shards
*inserts 16bit cartridge*
wow, you get a note saying you ruined my mood. I was loving the tiles
*inserts bad mood*
you get a really wierd hat that says random stuff!
*insert a piece of four cheese pizza*
You get a greatful celtic_silver
*inserts semi-digested cheese pizza*
You receive fully digested cheese pizza.
*inserts easter egg*