you receive a XXL note
*inserts some condensed water*
Printable View
you receive a XXL note
*inserts some condensed water*
Gets Water Summon
*inserts reluctant hero (very reluctant :lol:)*
You get a blue screen of death
*inserts KOTR materia*
the VM rejects your materia and spits emty soda cans at you.
*inserts twins from ouran high*
You get the destruction of the human race.
*inserts Dark Matter*
Gets rocket engine
*inserts marlboro tentacle *
YAY a rocket engine! Lucky me ;7
You get a Bad Breath right in your face and stand there confused punching yourself until you die.
*inserts rocket fuel*
You recieve car fuel
*inserts silicone breast implant previously belonging to Tifa until she upgraded to a bigger size >.>*
You get a pack of 20 Lucky Strikes (can I have it plz?) ;7
*inserts a random drunkard*
celtic_silver is revived. In new capsule form.
*inserts hero hair gel*
You get the random drunkard I inserted
*Inserts another*
You recieve an alcoholic jingle, "Bacardi and cola, they get the job done!"
*Inserts a very long sob story my friend Jessica told me about her and her
You recieve multi-flavoured Kool Aid [I don't even know what kool aid is...]
*inserts Sephiroth*
you received Sephiroth's with his sword pointed at you *mwahahahaha*
*inserts sighs*
You get a slap in the face and a piece of paper saying "trying to rip me off eh?"
*Inserts a random Moogle*
you get moogle charm (no random encounters for you)
*inserts daruma doll*
you get a hundred daruma dolls
*inserts how-to-spell-daruma-for-idiots book*
You've taught the machine (and myself) how to spell daruma, so in its infinite gratitude, the machine gives you... a donut! Yay.
*inserts a Limp Bizkit CD*
You get the CD back, vending machine looks disgusted at you....
*inserts a LV 3 Zidane*
you get a note back to you saying to stop inserting LV 3 androgynous monkey boys into the machine
*inserts trout yogurt*
You recieve the trout yogurt back, the VD dosen't want's just too vile
But your cool Starman, so...I'll give you something! You recieve a Dir En Grey Cd...because there utterly awesome and anyone who doesn't like them...I respect your opinion but its wrong!!!
*Inserts a sick and twisted music video done none other than a very unknown myspace band^_^*
You get a record deal. O.O
*inserts :toilet:*
You get the AIDS :(
*inserts 2000 gil*
*Receives cure for AIDS?*
*Inserts infected blood*
u r clensed and given the job of paladin
*inserts chocobo lure materia*
you get a chocobo
*inserts coke*
You get Diet Coke!
*Inserts Coke Zero*
*You get a can of SH!T*
*Inserts Mountain Dew* (The REAL man's drink! n_n)
You recieve a Vault! Thats even better!
*Inserts a random yaoi comic I found in my room*
u recive the ff7 and ff9 manuals. dam i need thoose cus i bought my copies used and they didnt come with manuals.
*inserts an exact copy of barrets gun arm*