Uses phenoix down on Forever dying link recieve, from me,...a new sword. But can you handle...the Buster sword?
*Inserts FF12...cuz I can*
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Uses phenoix down on Forever dying link recieve, from me,...a new sword. But can you handle...the Buster sword?
*Inserts FF12...cuz I can*
u get something in the shape of a sphere lets call it..... a ball.
*inserts grimling tht i used to steal the mastersword but i keep the sword*
You get the Black Materia.
*puts fake gil in*
You get a Bomb King that is about to self destruct.
*inserts real Gil this time*
I already have a PC with Linux :(
Anyway... You get my computer with my Windows that won't work along with my FF wallpaper..
*Puts more Gil in...*
You get a drunk Wakka.
*puts in 50 Gil note*
you recive a 1000 pound boulder.
*uses mastersword on a string to activate machine thn uses string to pull sword out*
you recieve a slash in the face
*inserts funnel with a screwdriver attatched*
You get a Mini-Vivi
*puts in Gil*
You get a simple, hardy Dagger.
*inserts an Imp*
You get a stoner psychopathic, final fantasy fan owned monkey named Cloud jr.
*Inserts silver*
u get a materia that instantly transforms un in2 mud infront of the machine
*inserts chocobo talon*
Wow thats a sucky materia...must be one of those fools materia
You recieve a really shiney big white chocobo from final fantasy 12...It dosn't like humans and it loves to peck things^_^
*Inserts fire magicite*
You recieve the smoked butt of a Cigar that had been dipped in brandy.
*inserts Masamune sword*
You get a drunk Mini-Barret
*inserts Dark Materia*
You get a hellfart.
*Inserts his socks*
u get a bottle of luandry detergant.
*inserts a bomb monster*
You get Toro's socks.
*inserts a nuke*
u get a bunny tht was mutated by ur nuke
*i pick the lock on the machine and open it up and insert a clone of me inside so he can give me all the good stuf thn i close and lock the machine*
*picks the lock, rips your clone's head from his shoulders and inserts the head into the machine*
The machine spits the severed head out back at your face! :X
*Inserts a penny*
Good job loser, you have just officially made the Vending Machine ill! Didn't you know!!!...the vm is deathly allergic to any sort of shell that is empty!
The only thing you recieve is an invitation to its Funeral!
me:sob, cry, sob sob
Since I can't insert anything then I shall pray...for a new vending machine to be born! Long live Renincarnation!!! ^_^
though a new vm is not born cloud comes and summons one tht falls on dying link. so now ill *insert a platinum statue of the AVALANCHE gang.
receive biggs and wedge action figures now with only 87% chance of breakage
*inserts chocobo greenslip*
u recieve an all expsense paid vacaition to the shinra mansion.
*casts paralize on the vm*
casts life and it brings the vm bak wich thn unleashes the bomb monster i had put in the vm after ever dying link for destroying it.
*inserts this invitation thing i found on the ground nerxt to where the vm was*
*you get tripped by a very small vending machine*
*inserts tournesol*
You get a ticket to 'Final Fantasy - The Musical', which shoul be released as a FF spinoff any day now.
*Inserts E with red middle bit* (not the drug, the E from the SquareEnix logo:lol:, oh fine, *inserts both resulting in a tripped out E*)
You recieve a corset formerly owned by Lulu of FFX.
*inserts Reno*
You recieve a warning from some random mod for something you haven't done. Don't you have bad luck.
*Inserts a long red and black stripped ribbon that I found in my room last week*