You get a real live Moogle named Mont Blank
*puts Gil in*
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You get a real live Moogle named Mont Blank
*puts Gil in*
You obtain The Baby Cactuar Kit!:
Baby Cactuar X1
Cactuar Feed X10
Baby Bottle x1
*inserts zenny*
You receive the rainbow brush!
*inserts memento ring*
you received a necklace =P
*inserts how-to-snap guide book*
You get Yuna's necklace^_^
*Inserts a Snap...hey that guide book works!*
You get Raisin Bran!
*mocks you and inserts Cap'n Crunch*
You recieve a swollen face because your allergic to strawberrys(i am at least)
*Inserts a cerel at get Fruit loops, wh00t *
you received an empty cereal box
*inserts how-to-sing-badly guide book*
you recieve the powers of the wind crystal from ff3.
*rips coupon in half tht i recieved on page 147 thts good for 2 posts and inserts it*
You receive cocoa pops
*inserts toast* I hate cereal...
u recieve a dragon powered toaster. nifty isnt it?
*inserts other half of coupon*
you receive new coupon
*inserts something random*
you recieve a the new collectors edition of advent children (no i didnt make it up there is a collectors edition)
*inserts my new copoun*
Gets a penny-farthing to ride around on.
*inserts rusty piece of metal*
u get a shiny piece of gold
*inserts montblanc cus hes just stupid sometimes*
you get a new clan hunt!
*inserts gilgamesh*
You get the all mighty excalipur.
*inserts final fantasy lead haircut*
you get a free silver wig..made specially to match sepiroth's hair color
*inserts how-to-jump guide book*
you get 4x float
*inserts nameable character*
You get that back. With an easter egg.
*inserts random pipe*
you get the pipe back in the coin return slot. the machine's out of order.
*insert dinosaur*
Well, if the machine's out of order it eats your dinosaur and doesn't give you anything....
*goes to find new machine*
I come running back at the sound of kicked metal.
I watch you recieve the power of gannon, and I get all excited and
*insert a coin*
the machine takes ur arrow and throws it back directly at u.
*inserts a chocobo sandwich*
You recieve Cloud's head on a platter
*inserts Cloud's gorified feet*
ur bomb blows the dam vm up now wat am i suppose to do?????!!!!!
i go looking for a replacement vending machine and theres 1 Mexico. so i have it delivered to the exact same spot as the old 1.
i find the guy who blew up the old 1 rob him of all his stuff and
*insert it into machine*
You recieve a fossilised shard of the old vending machine... strange since i'm sure that the thousands of years needed to form a fossil haven't gone by already...
*inserts cornflakes*
u revieve a burnt pop tart thts got magical ether sprinkles on it
*inserts bublegum wad*
u get a grimling who steals ur mastersword and and knocks u out with it.
*inserts the wind,fire,water,and earth crystals from ff3*
You recieve Chaos's breath in a perfume bottle. Snazzy.
*inserts socks*