You recieve a pregnancy...because your condom, well it broke. I'll let the detail on how it broke, all up to you:)
*Inserts a very large pack of birth control pills for men and women!...remember to wait a month!*
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You recieve a pregnancy...because your condom, well it broke. I'll let the detail on how it broke, all up to you:)
*Inserts a very large pack of birth control pills for men and women!...remember to wait a month!*
you get cloud -.-...o wait its a plushie of cloud with sephiroth's blade through it.....interesting {heehee}
*inserts myself*
You recieve Chocolate flavoured condom with candy canes [Not me, that was Jak...]
*inserts Superjj*
You receive a reward for your good spitting aim >.>
*inserts scissors*
u get the keys sucked up into the vm and u get A KEY BLADE!
*inserts golden saucer life pass(ff7)*
You recieve a Rusted Plate death pass
*inserts cockatrice*
You recieve a date with Xiems mother.
*Puts fake coin in*
Great Writer Yoko gives you a kiss.
*puts coin in*
You get beat down by a gang of monkeys weilding cricket bats.
*inserts brains*
You get touched by Jenny Craig's half-sister.
*puts coin in*
you get a life sized model of a fat chick (lucky you)
*inserts spleen*
you get an oversized....erm....rice ball??
*inserts stomach acid*
you get a phail of hydrochloric acic
*inserts Buddy Holly's corpse*
you get a collection of 1,000 Noh masks. All rare finds...
*inserts something resembling a marshmellow*
You get ko-omote
*inserts coin*
you get...a costume from an unknown play
*inserts make-up*
You get proto man's sheild.
*inserts ham*
you get eggs
*inserts ice*
you get eggs
*inserts ice*
you get fried eggs
*inserts melting ice*
You recieve a rectal thermometer [sp?]
*inserts rain gauge*
u recieve a magic sundial that you turn and it will move time!
*inserts chocolate bar*
You recieve an actual chocolate bar, with chocolate kegs of chocolate whisky and chocolate vodka and chocolate lager and all that jazz.
*somehow manages to insert kareoke machine*
You get a note saying to stop inserting your miscellaneous machines into the vending maching.
*inserts broken machine*
the VM reaches out with a robotic hand, beats the crap out of your, takes all your money and items and breaks down.
*oops i broke the VM*
The VM sprouts legs and begins to terrorize the town of providence (great job! *cough* *cough* sarcasm)
*inserts a new VM in the empty area where the old VM was*
you get a slip of empty notebook paper
*inserts can*
you get a Kefka doll O_O
I want it! *steals* ^.^
*inserts Xiem*
You recieve Gaara
*inserts Seymour*
you recieve Sephiroth
*inserts Zac Efron*