You receive "100 ways to be annoying" by Rikku.
*puts a coin with a hotdog engraved into it into the machine*
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You receive "100 ways to be annoying" by Rikku.
*puts a coin with a hotdog engraved into it into the machine*
You receive a chocobo cheeseburger xD
*knocks the vending machine down and drops in the coin*
you recieve Vivi's Guide to Saving Money
*sticks a coin in*
You recieve Locke's tips for tresure hunting. It seems that the word "thieving" is crossed out and replaced with "treasure hunting".
"inserts a little treasure of a coin*
you recieve Angelo's Guide to Saving Your Master :D
*inserts coin*
Recieves Angello's poop scoop
*inserts coin*
recieves a job as a janitor at the local chocobo farm
*puts a coin in*
You recieve a bumper pack of Carob Nut and Zeio Nut. Now have fun keeping the randy chocobos away! :D
*penetrates thee coin slot with thee coin*
You receive Angelo...and he has rabies.
*inserts coin*
you recieve some milk................and thats about it.......
*puts in a coin*
You recieve a hotdog. How did that get in there?
*throws in coin*
you recieve a COCONUT!! how about that..................
*throws a coin in from the free throw line :D*
Everyone recieves a "How to behave, and make money!" book by Cloud inc!!!
And my trade mark Moogle Cookies!!!XD
*puts a silver coin in*
recieves "How to Act Sane" by Sephiroth! and some ice cream!
*puts in a gold coin!*
Recieves "100 ways to eat a hotdog" by Zell Dincht
*puts a hotdog into the machine*
Receives '100 ways to prepare a hot dog; by Q of Qs Marsh.
*eats a coin*
You recieve indigestion... thats gotta hurt.
Oh... now theres a pooey coin
*grabs pliers and inserts pooey coin into machine
You receive Sephy, who is "kill people with Masamune" happy.
*pops in the coin*
You recieve Kuja's thong. Ooh-la-la? 0____o
*flips coin in*
O.o You guys need to stop giving me random FF characters' underwear and things
You receive a bash on the head from Cloud's buster sword
*inserts coin*
You receive a black feather from Sephiroths one wing.
*inserts coin*
you recieve.............a bunch of chocobo (tail) feathers in the mouth!!!!
You recieve a "How to write kick ass songs" By Tiffa
Cookiws for you!
* shoves coin inm violently.*
you recieve a swarm of angry Sephiroth gingerbread men after you. QUICK! EAT THEM BEFORE THEY EAT YOU! (quite a nice way to go though)
*shoves in the coin*
You receive.... your very own Possesed Vivi doll!
*Flicks in coin*
you recieve a personal moogle for yourself
*inserts coin*
You recieve a human finger and a note that says: "If you dont get the money by tommorrow your buddy Cloud will die."
*Puts coin in*
you recieve a reply saying oh well i'll just screw Tifa behind his back
*inserts coin-age in hysterical laughter
You recieve Clouds rotting corpse. Dude why didnt you just get the money?
*Inserts coin*
because clouds a big blonde bishie who stole my orning hair
you recieve clouds eyeballs on a plate bon apetite
*inserts coin*