you recieve a bright pink fuzzy do as you wish with.
*coin insertage*
Printable View
you recieve a bright pink fuzzy do as you wish with.
*coin insertage*
You received a special edition of Seymour's headless body
-insert a pig-
you recieve bacon, previously chewed on by Kefka. [just think of it as extra flavour]
*coin insertage*
you recieve a mindless servant!
inserts a coin
You received someone's wife...Congratulations you're married to Yuna !!
-inserts a coin-
you recieve Don Corneo!
inserts a dead moogle
You receive a C4...*exploded at your hand*
-inserts Yuna's head-
you recieve a check for yunas head so i can burn it :D
*inserts coin*
you recieve an instant kill materia
puts in a vent letter about the c4
you get laughed at by Seifer who is hiding in the vending machine, reading your letter.
*sticks a coin in*
you recieve Siefer because he fell out
*inserts chocobo crap*
you recieve a chocobo pooper scooper and the job of cleaning out the vending machine!! :D
*sticks a coin in*
gets a drawing of a guy giving you the finger
note, give this to seifer when you get the chance
coinage getting inserted
*the vending machine cried all day and ran away*
*pops out a new vending machine*
-insertage of a shiny coin-
you win the jackpot and get a pair of Zell's gym socks!
insertage of coinage lol
You receive Selphie's gym outfit =P
*coinage insertage*
you recieve Selphies Gym Sports bra O_o
You received a punch in the face not inserting a coin in
-inserts a coin-
you recieve an apology lol and a moogle's pompom
*inserts coin*
O.o it's too small! xDQuote:
Originally Posted by geordanuk
you receives Squalls gym shirt
*inserts coin*
You received a miniature Final Fantasy vending machine..
*inserts minature coin =]
you receive miniature underwear of Wakka =O
*inserts cotton candy*
you receive seymour's underwear...happy now?
-insertage of coin-
very happy, that's about 5 Seymour things I have now^^. You recieve a bucket full of tiny plastic ff chibi dolls.
*total domination of coin insertage*
*vending machine cannot take much coins*
You've been machine-gunned by coins by the vending machine
-inserts a coin-
..ouchie..and you recieve the last surviving Guado. [please protect it]
*inserts coin*
you received another round of being machine-gunned by the vending machine
-inserts a coin-
You recieve a ticket to the Honeybee Inn. Have fun!
*pops coin in*
You recieved a dark matter...shame I can't see what it looks like..=]
*inserts coin*
You drew 8 thundagas.
*Inserts penis*