You get another Google Share! =)
*Inserts snow
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You get another Google Share! =)
*Inserts snow
you get an electrically fried vending machine!
*inserts new vending machine*
*plugs it in*
*inserts coin*
You get rubber gloves...good timing =]
Insert Bolt1 Tokens
You get assimilated you are now a Borg.
*inserts coin*
You get a steel chair
*Inserts coins
You get Renji's sunglasses
*Inserts new battery for the new vending machine*
You recieve battery shells
*inserts Seymour's old shockcollar*
You get a level up..
Inserts random battle encounter*
you get a battle with Omega Weapon!
*inserts awesome limit break ignoring the battle*
*hopes for katana gunblade*
You get a technicolour materia
Inserts coins*
You recieve Wakka-brand hair gel
*inserts copy of Real Emotion*
You got wing damage! ZOMG! =)
*Inserts coins
You got double lazers of d00m.
*Inserts quality street
You get something. Be creative.
*inserts coin*
umm, you get a comment about your sig.
It's psychotic, but in a funny sorta way
*inserts coin cautiously*
The vending machine blows up in your face... so much for cautiousness.
*inserts banana*
you get me, shouting at you because you planted a bomb in the machine and now I have to get a new one.
*puts YET ANOTHER machine in*
*inserts coin*
*hopes for katana gunblade*
you get a child's sword (its better than a butter knife you know!)
*inserts an insane convict*
You get yourself don't ask
*inserts FF7: Advent Children*
You receive the Warriors of Light!
*inserts Garland*
ExisitingDark gets a katana gunblade...but squall wants it back
*Inserts 'What will ExisitingDark do* (don't ask...)
You get a script for my reqiuem
*Inserts Guardian-ated coins
you get tidus's first sword
inserts a letter to Squall explaining why he's better off with his Lionheart
you get Squalls Punishment Gunblade
*inserts coin*
You get drunk
*Inserts loose change
You get a dimepiece hooker!
*inserts stripper pole*
You receive a cute ewok plushy!
*inserts deathstar*
you get C3po
HA! an eternity of misery for you
*inserts lightsaber crystal*
You receive Darth Sidious!
*inserts Boba Fett's helmet*
receives a suit just like Darth Vader
*inserts some pants* (wtf???)