you get pantys
*inserts coin*
Printable View
you get pantys
*inserts coin*
You get a ManOwaR
*Inserts The Warriors Of The World
receives their skelletons
*inserts a pokemon badge*
You receive a poke ball!
*Inserts pokedex*
you get a grimer fresh from the sewers! (ewww it stinks!)
*Inserts chobits underwear*
You recieve chobit hair piece
*Inserts instructions for handling your chobit*
You recievved a lifetime warrenty on your chobit
*Inserts Chobit manga #5*
You get Chobit manga #8
*Inserts flamango*
You get a plastic flamango!
*inserts the TFF chat room*
you get the people who are on there.(Me, CHase, Chej, Fishie, etc.)
*inserts coin*
You get a suited man who smiles and says "It's Only A Matter Of Time"
*Inserts WDADU CD and coins
Ichi: You forgot about me. I've been in there for ages....
you get a shiney something. Be creative.
*inserts some sort of skull like object that has a ribbon*
you get a demon with a cute haricut
*inserts Bagel*
you get some bread
*insert soda*
you get some fries
*insert coke*
you get a shake
*inserts sprite*
you get more fries
*inserts toast*
you get burned toast
*inserts mario*
you get luigi(cant spell) and more fries
*inserts coins*
you get some chocolate coins
*inserts sonic*
you get knuckles
*inserts coin*
you get.......a CAT!
*inserts a spoiled fry*
you get a big purple flying pikachu!!!
*insert pokeball*
you get an Ultra ball!!!
*inserts pikachu*
You get a lv. 5 magikarp thats unable to level up or evolve into gyarados, and you traded Pikachu for that? :p
*inserts sushi*
You get a plate.
*Inserts brother*
you get a yuna plate
*inserts a cat shaped fry*
you recieve a fry-shaped cat
*inserts toenail clippings*
you get fried toe-nail clippings
*inserts shake*
You get premade pancakes, awesome.
*Inserts syrupy coins