You recieve roast chocobo... though its a a little rare...
*inserts cheese*
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You recieve roast chocobo... though its a a little rare...
*inserts cheese*
u get a toasted cheese sandwich!
*inserts eyeliner*
You recieve liquid eyeliner
*Inserts Neji's coat(Neji from Naruto)*
You recieve Gaara....RUN! O.O
*Inserts Sand*
Garra! Hugs...Uh get busy hugging the sad boy so you recieve an I.O.U. from Lady Rika, congrads
*Inserts Garra's pants...heh heh he won't need them! Muwahhaahah*
You get Sasuke...lucky!
*inserts Sakura*
Recieves a teapot
*inserts teabag*
You get Mr T.......bags
Inserts Paris Hilton (I've been trying to get rid of that for years now!) :)
You receive a dvd....weird :sex:
*inerts a gil*
You recieve a chill... its Shiva
*inserts match*
You get Ifrit...doing hellfire O.O Uh oh....You also recieve a paper that says the vending machine company is not liable of damages >.<
*Inserts bones*
You get a dog barking at a cat with a bone painting, horra follow the bones!
*inserts quistis gonna need that back*
*puts in quistis Bra! :drool:
You recieve Lulu's bra! [it's somewhat larger...]
*inserts clothes-line*
You recieve Kuja's pants.....lucky so and so >.<
*inserts a Kuja Feather*
You recieve Wakka's thong and guess's cheeta print!!!
*Inserts Riku's bra...oh wait thats right she dosn't need one! So I guess the next best thing is required...inserts Riku's yellow shirt thing,
Mumbles, "If you could call it a shirt..."*
Ranger recieves Lulu's little cacktor doll...cute...
Inserts Tidu's sword*
receives somethin like....a....hat?? wtf a hat??...wtever the machine chooses...
*inserts Irvine's hat*
You receive...Tidus's virginity..oh man you shouldn't have!
*inserts pee wee small size condom*
You recieve Tidu's playgirl cover photos...and guess what, their autographed!
*Inserts a nuvaring...those little plastic things girls stick up their Vajayjays to keep from getting knocked up
Rukia: people use plastic circles to keep them from birthing odd
Me: Oh tell me about it!
you recieve a piece of paper that says this machine has been censored by the fcc* Oh crap! :shake:
*inserts Wakka*
you get a toaster
*insert Big Mac*
You get... a mashed-up Big Mac! And a large Coke.
*inserts a tape cassette*
You get a tape cassette that teaches you japanese while you sleep!
*Inserts Bonzai Japan Club Banner*
You get a sumo-wrestler.
*inserts chain*
u get a....... puppy on a chain? wtf?
*inserts collar*
You get a pet velociraptor (wearing the collar). It kills on command.
*inserts hand*
You get britney spear's hair straight off of ebay!
*inserts her lighter*
Highlighter pops back. The v.m. refuses it.
*inserts speaker*
You receive a song in reply: "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do, I'm half crazy all for the love of you, it won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage, but you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two."
*inserts a gold doubloon*