Dammit Sorry bout that I meant to fix that. it was soppuse to say Captain snowy rules my bad i'll fix it when i have time.
you get my apoligies
*inserts coin*
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Dammit Sorry bout that I meant to fix that. it was soppuse to say Captain snowy rules my bad i'll fix it when i have time.
you get my apoligies
*inserts coin*
Well put it under the club header then, lol. You do realize that I'M captain Snowy right?? Not Shiro.
you get $$
*inserts %*
You recieve ##
*inserts @#$%*
you recieve AAA
*inserts BOB*
You recieve JOE!
*inserts a dead body*
And once again, its the attack of the dead things..I swear people here are obsessed, lol!!!
you get...umm....a body bag
*inserts zombie*
You get a dead flying ice-cream truck...
-inserts half eaten ice-cream-
You get... a large bag of fecal matter covered in red and white sprinkles.
* inserts homeless guy *
you kill the vendor
*inserts dead finger into new machine*
The vending machine was ressurected of it's anger towards the new vending machine
*The vending machine destroys the new vending machine with multiple nucklear missiles and say "please insert a coin"*
-inserts a bomb*
the vending machine blows up
*sticks coin into the ash of the vending machine*
The vending machines grabs your arm and eats it to revive itself
-inserts a Ichigo's sword-
you recieve the mod konpaku version of ichigo!! O_O
*tries to reach in vending machine to get arm back*
You get a disembodied arm
*inserts coin*
Sadly,the vending machine destroys your arm via chainsaw
To cheer you up,you received a cookie...a man-eating cookie
-inserts an 0o0o0o0oo0o0o-
You recieve a taco.... a man-eating taco. :P
*catches tears in a cup from losing my arm and pours them onto vending machine*
you received Ichigo's favourite t-shirt...A pink T-shirt :D
-inserts a pink trousers-
you recieve a pink fluffy poodle!!
*inserts a chunk of my dead arm*
you receive Xeim in a voodoo doll form !! Go on...control her..
-inserts something that isn't real*
Yay! *plays with voodoo doll* You recieve a puff of air!
*inserts a fire-breathing dragon*
Oh wow, thanks Chase....me as a a vodoo doll...
Jenova recieves a Renji plushie collection
*inserts poodle*
You received a fire-eating pacman
-inserts my friend-
you recieve two mod souls. lol.
*inserts Kon* (I'm in a very bleachy mood, lol)
You received a sponge...be careful...that thing can kill everything on earth
-inserts a pineapple-
you recive a pine tree and an apple (ho ho! I'm clever, lol [not])
*inserts doo doo*
You get a note .... "I love you" from Rukia that was meant for Ichigo but she changed her mind and fell in love with you ^^
-inserts another note-
O_O you recieve a doppleganger of yourself!
*inserts love note*
You received the real you...so which one is the real one?
-inserts a pie-
you recieve a replica of a pie
*inserts cow*
*You receive a kick in the ass from Ixion*
Spits on the vending machine and kicks the shit out of it then wanders off.