*sniff* poor kitty.
you fet the cat's head (whiskerless)
*inserts whiskers*
Printable View
*sniff* poor kitty.
you fet the cat's head (whiskerless)
*inserts whiskers*
You get a cat-fur sweater, imbued with magical feline-spirit properties.
*inserts disk*
you get the disk back but it has vocal tracks of the cat
*inserts diskette*
You get a long sheet of paper listing woman's rights, and what rights they should have in the future.
*inserts black heart*
you get a green heart
(Sorry, Uncle Steve. I gotta go. Talk to ya soon!)
*inserts purple heart*
(leave, already? I only just got here. *sigh*)
Anyway, you get a magical scrying orb. Just say a persons name and you will be able to watch them with this (unless they're blocking you with magical power or protected by some form of magical barrier)
*inserts coin of indulgence*
You recieve a big chocolate cake... or is it Fat Chocobo's poop?
*Inserts coinage*
you get a bag of all the stuff that has been put into this vendor
*inserts coin"
You recieve some Kuja-brand Bleach.How else would he get his hair like that?
*inserts coin*
You recieve Wakka's half-used container of hair gel [to continue the FF hair theme here..]
*Inserts coin*
You receive Kefka's pretty pink hair bow! :D
*inserts coin*
YOU RECIEVE FINAL FANTASY 7 ADVENT CHILDREN!!!!!! but sephiroth jumps out of the screen and he's pissed. *inserts coin*
You recieve Sephiroth's dirty underwear... smells like a rotting cod, hes had this pair on for at least 10 years 0__0
*inserts coin*
You get a bag of Chocobo Milk
*inserts coin*
You get Kain's infamous dragoon lance!! :eek:
*inserts GP*
You recieve a legendary pixelated EXCALLIBUR sword! Long live 2-Dness!
*inserts coin*
you recieve a job as the head of square enix.
*inserts coin*
Ooooh! I like!
You recieve a real masamune to slice your enemies to tubby-bye-byes.
*inserts coin*
You receive a Hero's Medal from the Frog King
*inserts frog legs*
u recieve a giant angry frong who's very mad that your being mean to his relatives.
*inserts coin*
you get a buster sword replica.
*inserts coin*
You get Selphie! and she's whining, -_-; lucky you :D
*inserts coin*
dun dun dun...
WTF the machine don't give you nothing but i Give you Selphie.
*Inserts a double bacon cheeseburger*
(....Well at least its not a big mac...but I swear Kurosaki...you and food should go out sometime...lol)
You win a date with Mcdonalds
*inserts katana*
(YAYAY! sweet, I'm going there right now. I like food but i don't over to a point to where i get round and plump. Oh yeah, i sent one of those notes to you.)
You get...A mountain of fries.
*inserts Big Mac and Whopper*
* You get... your mom's underwear!
* inserts egg *
you get hit by a car
*inserts coin*
(Damn you Kurosaki!!! Not the Big Mac!!! NOT THE BIG MAC!! Ok. I'm so totally done with my rant now.)
you get hit by a bunny
*inserts coin*
You get gil
*inserts coin*
(Time for my Zelda themed vendor marathon of the night)
you get a link
*inserts tunic and tights*