You recieve the Girl Next Door magazine {FF VIII}
*Inserts coin*
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You recieve the Girl Next Door magazine {FF VIII}
*Inserts coin*
OO I remember that magazine!! *reads* >.>
You recieve an al bhed potion on steriods. 2000 hp for all!
*inserts coin*
You get... a Tonberry Plushie
*inserts Millenia*
Me-Millenia or Millenia-Millenia?... *confused*
Anyway, you recieve a crossbow with a Yomi's elixer resting on it.
..If I'm stuck in there I can't insert anything..
*Inserted a coin for Millenia*
*You received a certification and a happy parade coming out of the vending machine to show that you are now officially became my evil stalker*
*inserts a coin*
Aww, I got a parade. I like being your evil stalker^^
You receive cat-cleaning lotion.
*inserts coin*
You received the weakest weapon that was ever made by men...A nucklear bomb
*inserts a doll*
You recieve a bomb-party [whatever the heck that is >.>]
*inserts hat*
You received a living Bahamut that will soon conquer the world with it's most powerful overdrive,Mega Fart !!
*inserts a pie*
You recieve a pie in the face
*flirts with vending machine* come on, give me something good!
*vending machine was successfully flirted*
*you received a bouquet of flowers ... that bites people !!*
*inserts a poop*
You recieve some guado-poison... Don't open it, trust me.
*inserts blue wig*
You received a red wig that stinks like poop
*inserts a twig in it*
You recieve... That Seymour yaoi I was threatening you with earlier!
*inserts toilet seat*
You received a bucket of spongebob dolls that have minds of their own
*inserts a screw*
You Al Bhed! o.O
*inserts red fang*
You received a bar of soap...Clean your mouth !! O-O
Inserts a tooth*
You get a jaw
*inserts myself*
You get Chase O_O
*inserts FFIX Strategy Guide*
You get... your 20 bucks back.
* inserts turd *
You get... A turd-cleaner
get to cleanin!
*inserts gil*
you get a broken ps2 controller
*inserts 1 LP*
You get... a worthless ability like gil toss
* inserts Cait Sith *
he jumps out and does a lil dance than tells you your lucky color is blue
*jumps to the battle arena*
You get.... deodorant. stinky :/
*inserts gil*
You recieve..nothing..the machine is broken.
You kick the machine. An exact diplicate of you comes out. Uh oh.
*inserts gil*
Out comes a cute little bunny wabbit!
*insert wabbit!*
You recieve a weindeer.
*inserts wuppy dog >.>*
You get a bone
*inserts myslef*
You see a dark space filled with lots of little goodies.
*inserts tomato sauce (hope that doesn't stain your shirt)*