You recieve a Tomato o.O
Wait, that isn't right lol Darn machine's in reverse >.<
*inserts Xiem*
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You recieve a Tomato o.O
Wait, that isn't right lol Darn machine's in reverse >.<
*inserts Xiem*
You received a message from Cloud telling that you to "RECYCLE"
*inserts trashcan*
You recieve a TFF Admin button! Feel The Power!
Power! Power......*shakes head*
*inserts a picture of myself*
The vending machine hated your picture thus eating you with it's awesome teeth*
*inserts Jaws*
You get my bones.....ow.....will you do me a favor and use a phoenix down on me? Or at least cast Full Life >.<
*inserts gil*
You get a slimy, hairball-covered ripped up piece of paper with, "Thank you for using the vending machine" written on it.
*Inserts Play Dough*
You get a clay doll of yourself ^.^
*inserts coin*
You received a certificate that you are now offically an evil stalker...
Go stalk someone...
Inserts a gun*
You get bullets
*inserts al bhed potion*
You get... Mr. Saturn!
*inserts coin*
you get...A Ness Plushie!! (O.O)
*inserts baseball bat*
you get a NES
*insert Kid Icarus*
Ooooh the best gift yet! (Ness plushie)
You get... a Yuffie blow-up ;x
*inserts hotdog*
you get an easy button
*insert a few coin-like pieces of metal*
you get...the deed to a junkyard.
*inserts coin*
you get a coin
*insert coin*
you get a another coin
*inserts bbq sauce*
The vending machine casted Omega Firaga on you*
Ah...Deep fried chicken ~
*inserts a drumstick*
You get TROGDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*inserts a CD*
You recieve the CD back with static al bhed babble on it.
*inserts ballpoint*
You get a football -.-
*inserts gil*
You recieve a nuclear bomb and go BOOM!
The machine is gone... Oh wait it regenerates itself.
*inserts an edible thong*
You receive a very weird thing that is called a sponge...bob
*inserts something that doesn't exist*
You get.....nothing ^.^
*inserts a girl*
you get a longsword
*insert beret*
you get an IOU note
*inserts coin*
you get a pokeball
*insert soda*
you get some type of fizzy drink
*inserts whopper*
you get a chinese yoyo
*insert meter stick*
you get a yard stick
*insert coin*