*You received a hobo !!*
*inserts a coin*
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*You received a hobo !!*
*inserts a coin*
You got Cloud's Hair Gel!
*inserts gil*
You get... to wear the hobo's clothes for a day!
*inserts coin*
You received a rock....Laugh will ya...It's funny
*inserts a coin*
You received.... Tifa's shirt
*inserts girl*
(steals tifa's shirt from you)
You recieved a girl's skirt.
*inserts coin*
You get... Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis, for your cell phone.
*inserts gil*
You recieved Squall's leather jacket.
*pops in 7 gil*
you receive 3x Adamantite
*inserts 100 gp (ffvii)*
You get... chicken
*inserts gil*
You get a slap in the face for eating the chicken. [Savage!! =O]
*inserts beef*
You get... A slice of veal, cooked medium-rare.
*inserts meat*
*Glomps veal* Medium-rare is the best.
You recieved corn beef [ewie]
*inserts trucker cap*
you get an oversized cow with the trucker cap on
*inserts BBQ sauce*
You recieve a steak sandwich
*inserts 'Walk Like an Egyptian'* Gotta love that song ;p
You get... tater-tots
*inserts chicken*
You recieve a video instructing the chicken dance.
*inserts feather*
you recieve a box of feathers O.O
*inserts cat*
You receive a video instructing the Hampster dance.
*inserts gum*
you get a video instructing the hamsterized chicken dance.(I dunno, I just got real bored *throws hands up in the air.* Its lame, and I know it...)
*inserts hamster*
You get.... Millenia
*inserts gil*
you get...cheesevixen
*inserts gill*
You get... sex
*inserts gil*
*stretches*. I don't like being shoved through the vending machine recieval slot.
You recieve Xeim
*inserts book*
you get... Twilight
*inserts gil*
You recieve ..erm.. Daylight?
*inserts clothes tag*
you recieve a pair of jeans
*inserts a candy bar*
You recieve the candy bar wrapper [something inside the machine's eating all the candy]
*inserts dumbell*
You get......a smart bell. Just for the heck of it.
I gotta go, so I'll talk to you soon!!!
*inserts....a ribbon*
*uses smartbell >.>*
When you get back, you'll recieve a ribbon with special attachments.
*inserts box*